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Recent content by solosailor

  1. S

    "Late Fees" for season members ?!?

    So I entered the season and now I have to pay $10 if I don't register weeks before? Uggg.... the Wednesday cutoff has been there for 30 years+, as were the Wednesday meetings. Appreciate our volunteer committee but another change I think is unnecessary. The committee used to have to...
  2. S

    Live Meetings.....

    Well it's great that the SSS is going to do a live get together for the 3BF..... however traditionally the SSS never held meetings on weekends so there is less likely for a conflict with other races, family, etc. Such as it is I will be missing out on the live meeting. I miss the mid-week...
  3. S

    Proposed Rule 69 Ban

    I sent this direct to the board: Was following this story for a while….. These two went on a competitors boat during Big Boat Series and loosened the lifeline turnbuckles. To me this is akin to attempted bodily harm or even murder (if someone had died as a result). These two have no...
  4. S

    New Boat 4 Tchoup

    Looks fast. https://www.yachtingworld.com/news/crew-rescued-from-upturned-hull-of-new-farr-x2-after-keel-loss-139333
  5. S

    Eight Bells - George "the Jockey" Luna

    George Luna of Berkeley has passed. George was an SSS regular for many year in the 90s and 2000s with his Chrysler 22 sailboat "Nightmare" and then on to the pocket cruiser "Tizna", a Morgan 24. He once won the concours d'elegance at the Plastic Classic, along with his division as well as...
  6. S

    Drake's Bay Race Information

    Good luck racers..... looks like a pleasant weekend on the coast.
  7. S


    A booth is usually used for topside painting (if the boatyard has one)....... like this:
  8. S


    Well Bob's pretty boat, Chris's new shiny paint and others doing their best peacock strut finally shammed me into painting the Azzura. She has the original Awlgrip that is 24 years old and was crazing and chalking in sections.
  9. S

    YRA DH series w/SSS???

    So the YRA starts a new DH series and are using several SSS races as part of it. This really sucks for those of us that would like to do the YRA series but are racing solo in the SSS. I already sent YRA an email suggesting they use a different date so people can race with the YRA and SSS...
  10. S

    ex-Brickyard Cove = Richmond Boardwalk

    https://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/boa/d/richmond-dry-storage-crane-launch/7246172720.html Rate hikes look like they are on the way. New ad for 26' is $200 + $8/ft. So my rate is now $160, looks like it would be going up 50% if these rates hit everyone.
  11. S

    George Sigler Video

  12. S

    Power-Assisted Sailing - the Slippery Slope

    This thread is to put out information to the SSS members about a slippery slope that in my opinion has now become an edge of a cliff. This has to do with one of the US Sailing rules which is: 52. MANUAL POWER: A boat’s standing rigging, running rigging, spars and movable hull...
  13. S

    Rudder and Cassette

    Small primary fiberglass rudder and cassette system from a 21' ultralight inshore racer. Would work for a smaller offshore boat. 1/2" pins included.... add "U" shaped gudgeon brackets to your stern or build a bracket to match. Very long carbon tiller is easy to cut down. $750
  14. S

    ONLY East Coast or Great Lakes DH racing scheduled for USSailings DH series.

    Not one event on the West Coast.... home to by far the largest and oldest shorthanded racing orgs in the country. Ugg. 2020 Mixed Offshore Doublehanded Events: Atlantic Cup | June 10-21 CANCELLED DUE TO COVID-19 Lake Michigan Doublehanded Championship | June 11, 2020 New Bedford Yacht...