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Search results

  1. jfoster

    John Foster's Nonsuch 22 Blueberry for sale by Dave Vickland, Pacific Yacht Imports

    Nonsuch 22 Blueberry, a pocket cruiser with standing headroom in the cabin, has been rigged to allow “Sailing by the Lee” the way Laser and Finn sailors have developed for downwind sailing. Google the term, or contact a currently racing Laser or Finn sailor for details of sailing by the lee...
  2. jfoster

    Thuraya SatSleeve satellite adaptor for the iPhone

    Bringing satellite connectivity to your iPhone http://www.thuraya.com/products/voice/thuraya-satsleeve Thuraya SatSleeve is the world's first satellite adaptor for the iPhone, providing users with easy and affordable access to mobile communication services delivered over Thuraya’s powerful...
  3. jfoster

    JibeSet and YRA have streamlined the rating certificates process

    In case you missed this, here is The News Beat as Found on NorCal Sailing Week of January 7-14, 2013 Jratings Come to Jibeset No, Jratings isn't a system for ranking romantic choices on JDate, rather it's a simpler – we hope – way for PHRF racers to submit their ratings certificates to race...
  4. jfoster

    Comment on Ocean Racing Requirements Requested

    http://www.latitude38.com/lectronic/lectronicday.lasso?date=2012-11-05#Story2 Comment on Ocean Racing Requirements November 5, 2012 – San Francisco "The Northern California Offshore Racing Council Safety Committee has posted a draft of the minimum equipment requirements for offshore races...
  5. jfoster

    Iridium to introduce iOS satellite access

    Iridium to introduce iOS satellite access point later this year by Chris RawsonSep 8th 2011 at 10:23PM If you've found that Wi-Fi, 3G, EDGE, and GPRS don't provide sufficient coverage to siphon the internet into your iOS device, i.e. your Apple iPhone or Apple iPad, you're in luck. According...
  6. jfoster

    A 100m resolution tidal model of SF Bay, from TideTech

    You may have missed the advert on Electronic Latitude. Watching the video is very much an education. I was fascinated by the possibility of viewing on an iPad, though the link below is a Flash video, so the iPad content may not be a playable video...
  7. jfoster

    Here are the URLs for the RSB Race

    Here are the URLs for the RSB Race. URL for Registration: http://www.jibeset.net/register.php?CLUBID=JACKY&RATID=T001284322&CLUBPASS=6052ed/ URL for Regatta Information: http://www.jibeset.net/JACKY000.php?RG=T001284322 There are both shown at the bottom of the "Update Existing Regatta"...
  8. jfoster

    Build a video game from 2011 HMB race

    From Ray Irvine, the developer of our on line race entry and race management software comes this: Go here and you can build your own video game from Boat racing in the SSS - HMB race last weekend. http://www.jibeset.net/JACKY000.php?RG=T001430755 and click "Race Replay" This is all done by...
  9. jfoster

    Chicago-Mackinac Race—100 Knots and Off the Clock

    Chicago-Mackinac Race—100 Knots and Off the Clock From David Schmidt, Sail-World USA Editor www.sail-world.com Chicago-Mackinac Race—100 Knots and Off the Clock 'All hell breaking loose: 100 knots and off the clock' The Chicago Yacht Club's 103rd Race to Mackinac, presented by Veuve...
  10. jfoster

    2011 LongPac Transponder Tracking Page

    http://track.pacificcup.org/longpac.php The 2011 LongPac Transponder Tracking Page is not part of our usual race management system, so some exploration of what works may be your only recourse. Those with experience watching the PacCup unfold in previous years may have an easier time with...
  11. jfoster

    BAMA Racetrack as a tutorial for SSS racers

    Jibeset.net has provided SSS Racers with the tools to upload the GPS track of a race, review the track in Google Maps, and replay the race using Google Earth against a selection of boats that have also upload track of their race track. As demonstration of race replay can be found at...
  12. jfoster

    Keel Bolt Maintenance Bulletin

    This was originally seen by me on the J/24 list. Copying their URL link directly yields a long link likely mangled by word wrap in your email reader. So here is a multi step way to get there. Go to the Waterline Systems web page. http://www.waterlinesystems.com/ Then click on the Howto/DIY...
  13. jfoster

    Original iPads: A fully featured chart plotter including charts for about $500

    For about half the price of a comparable iPad 2, you can buy a very adequate original iPad, and equip it with any number of Marine GPS navigation apps. One of my personal favorites is iNavX written by Rich Ray, an SSS regular till he moved to rural Oregon and wrote GPS NavX, MacENC and now...
  14. jfoster

    AT&T store iPad (original) 64GB G3 for Nav

    Not sure how long these will be available, but a 64GB G3 iPad is awesome with iNavX for navigation with its built in GPS If you haven't yet crumbled to temptation and bought an Apple iPad, in so doing deepening the already chasm-like pockets of Jobs & Co., chances are the following news is only...
  15. jfoster

    Video camera with viewer and remote control

    I have been using a Helmet Cam for making HD 1080p video of my grandson's hockey games that looks great on a large flat screen TV as well as You Tube. My choice of those available, and there are many, is this one because it has so many of features I have wished for in other helmet cams I have...
  16. jfoster

    Any previous SHF or SHTP entrants from Taiwan of China?

    Anyone know the answer to this one? John Blueberry Nonsuch 22 sail # 48
  17. jfoster

    Spinlock deckvest update notice

    See http://www.spinlock.co.uk/update for full information.
  18. jfoster

    Sails on Wyliecat 30's in 2010 SHTP and PacCup

    I was musing about the successes of the only Wyliecat 30's in each of this year's SHTP and PacCup. This morning I ran across a posting on the Nonsuch user group list by "Jon Fitch" <[email protected]> Jon has a rather rare Nonsuch model of a cat rigged ketch, something like the Wyliecat 65 in...
  19. jfoster

    Great innovative technology and magic

    This entry, and the youtube link from Philippe Kahn appeared in my Facebook this morning, sent from an iPhone 4 via a satellite link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NlIiEGjC1g
  20. jfoster

    iNavX 3.0.0 is optimized for both iPhone and iPad

    From FaceBook I just learned: I have a 3G iPad coming a few weeks after the Corinthian. I sure hope it is more sunlight readable than my old Verizon phone (grin) John Foster Blueberry, Nonsuch 22, sail# 48