What does this mean, please? "Buoy marking Anita Rock - leave to south". Just when I was feeling confident because I understood what "Course #54=EP, BYC-P, C-P" means!
This is one of the instructions in the
Singlehanded Sailing Society
2011 Notice of Race and
Standing Sailing Instructions
A boat that violates any of the following restrictions shall retire or face protest and disqualification.
a. A boat shall not enter any of the following areas:
i. The area within 50 yards of the starting line, before its Warning signal
ii. Any area designated by the U.S. Coast Guard as prohibited to small craft
b. Boats shall leave the following buoys or other landmarks to the specified direction at all times. A boat violating this rule may not "unwind" to correct the violation; this modifies RRS 28.1.
i. H beam near St. Francis Yacht Club – leave to south
ii. Buoy marking Anita Rock – leave to south
iii. South Tower of Golden Gate Bridge – leave to south
iv. Buoy GR BELL marking Little Alcatraz Rock – leave to east
v. Point Belvedere buoy G "3" Fl G 4s – leave to north
vi. Point Blunt buoy G "3" Q G, Angel Island – leave to north
vii. Daymark Fl R 4s 15ft 4M "2" at the outer end of the Berkeley Pier – leave to east
viii. A line connecting the three buoys G "3" Fl G 4s (1/3 nm south of Richmond Long Wharf),
R "2" Q R (1/2 nm west of Richmond Long Wharf) and R "2CR" Fl R 4s (Castro Rock) – leave to east
OK, the SSS instruction is perhaps more terse than the equivalent YRA note
12.1 For safety reasons, lines between the following objects and the closest points ashore from them are restricted:
Anita Rock and any buoy marking same, vertical ’H’ beam off Water Quality Control Plant west of StFYC, bell
buoy 7 off the west end of Alcatraz, and Point Blunt buoy off Angel Island. . Above obstructions are not marks
of the course. The South Tower of the Golden Gate Bridge must be left to the South at all times. Any rocks
visible at Mean Lower Low water immediately adjacent to Contra Costa County, Marin County or San
Francisco shorelines shall be left to shoreward, except for Mile Rock, The Brothers and Red Rock.
12.2 The above-mentioned areas and buoys are defined as obstructions. A boat that breaks this rule may not
correct her error per RRS 28.1 and shall retire.
The key is perhaps best explained by this sentence:
12.1 For safety reasons, lines between the following objects and the closest points ashore from them are restricted:
Please look at the chart between the Golden Gate Yacht Club starting line and the Golden Gate Bridge South Tower and the mystery may become clear.