In the hopes of sailing offshore and perhaps a solo transpac in the future i've started the process of refitting my boat. A recent survey recommended replacing some old seacocks. Took my boat to a local yard to get this done with a few additional maintenance tasks. Goal is to upgrade the boat in stages to get her ready for offshore sailing. I was surprised to see that they replaced my old flanged seacocks with inline valves on thruhull fittings. When I spoke to the yard and their manager they assured me that this was their standard and that they dont recommend the flanged seacocks and dont view them as necessary. I should have been more clear from the get go as to what I had in mind but I guess I erroneously assumed the flanged seacocks were the standard. My surveyor tells me that flanged or inline valves are abyc compliant but i was skeptical. Budget wise I cant afford to change course at this point so its done but I'm curious what the collective experience here thinks? Am i worrying unnecessarily? is this the common standard that other folks are seeing done? The actual installation work for what it is appears tidy. Appreciate any advice.