We have had several questions about problems entering your EPRIB number in Jibeset. We reached out to Ray and here are some helpful things to note.
The eprib number must be of the form: xxxx / beacon id
xxxx = authority where the deacon is registered - usually NOAA
beacon is = 15 digit ID on the beacon registration form.
If the number is not know when registering, you can always enter TBA and come back later with the actual number - used when boat rent the beacon.
Common mistakes:
Not entering the xxxx
Enter the letter "O" instead of zero - beacon ID can only contain 0 through 9 and A through F (must be a hexadecimal number)
Hope this all helps some
The eprib number must be of the form: xxxx / beacon id
xxxx = authority where the deacon is registered - usually NOAA
beacon is = 15 digit ID on the beacon registration form.
If the number is not know when registering, you can always enter TBA and come back later with the actual number - used when boat rent the beacon.
Common mistakes:
Not entering the xxxx
Enter the letter "O" instead of zero - beacon ID can only contain 0 through 9 and A through F (must be a hexadecimal number)
Hope this all helps some