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Paying for SSS membership

mike cunningham

Freedom 30 "Jacqueline"
Could we just get a "pay now" button somewhere??

Once again, I can not figure out how to pay for membership. I drilled down on all sorts of stuff in jibeset but nothing led me to "Pay with your CC" or pay with anything else for that matter. I did try registering for the membership regatta but no joy

Amazingly, I did get my association/PHRF fees paid and I actually got my cert in three days and got it attached to my 3BF registration...yea!! That's a first this early in the season.

But... could someone help this poor fool with paying for SSS membership? A link would be appreciated.
Hi Mike,

You are in the list of entrants.

You can go on Jibeset and click "Update Registration" from the left hand menu.
From there click "Pay Fees" from left hand menu.
If you have paid, it will say so, if not it should take you to the page you can.

See you out there!___/)___
Mr. Jacqueline
In 2018 you gave me splendid directions from Pittsburgh to the Club Cunningham in Disco Bay, complete with "go slow here, it gets muddy" specifics. I have every confidence that you yourself will achieve navigational nirvana via Jibeset.
;-) Jackie
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Ha, Well it is either I cant figure out how to pay SSS, I cant figure out how to pay YRA, or my cert is late. This year SSS wins.

Way more difficult than navigating to Discovery Bay but I am confident you are correct.

Having said that, I hope to get up to the next race without going aground somewhere... My keel has recently developed an attraction for Delta mud.
Hi Mike,

You are in the list of entrants.

You can go on Jibeset and click "Update Registration" from the left hand menu.
From there click "Pay Fees" from left hand menu.
If you have paid, it will say so, if not it should take you to the page you can.

See you out there!___/)___
Thank You!!