OK, here's the call-out for people who care about the future of the Alameda Marina to attend a City Council meeting on February 24th.
This meeting is technically about zoning, but it will be open to public comment. You don't HAVE to comment, but you can if you want to. We want to encourage people to be succinct and to just hit one or two points if you want to speak. You'll have something like three minutes. I don't run up to Alameda for every single SAWWaction meeting, but I will be at City Hall for this...for damn sure. SAWWaction.org is the group of citizens and boaters who are coordinating the opposition to the drastic development plan. At least 3 SSS members are involved in some capacity, including me.
Wednesday, February 24th.
Alameda City Hall
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA
There are a number of topics on the agenda, and the Marina topic probably won't hit the floor until about 8:00 - 8:30. It could be later but better to be there around 8:00 and be sure that you're there at the time the issue gets discussed than to wander in at 9:30 and miss it.
Coming soon will be a link to sample letters addressing specific issues, which can be sent to Alameda City Council members.
If you want to attend-
and the more, the better - e-mail Nancy Hird -
[email protected] and let SAWWaction know you're coming.
There will likely be more than one opportunity to speak to the City Council about the issue, but it's possible that a significant change or retrenching of the zoning could shut down the extreme development from the get-go. If you're concerned, THIS is a really good night to get on your calendar.
If you want to get updates and be on the SAWWaction mailing list, send an e-mail to
[email protected]