Alerion 38 "Surprise!"
Singlehanded Farallones is May 23rd. In 2011 we had 69 entries. This year we have (EDIT) 45 entries (cool!)
Apples-to-apples comparison of additional requirements today vs. our 2011 SSI's: Boat structure issues in 2.1.1 and 2.1.4, single lifelines for boats <30', toe rails, details on the bilge pump and life jackets, fewer(!) flares, Lifesling and MOB pole* for SH's, heaving line, DSC VHF w/masthead antenna, handheld DSC VHF, installed depth sounder (vs. lead line), searchlight, second flashlight, 2 buckets, e-tiller for wheeled boats, a reef in the main, SAS class.
I will personally do anything I can to help skippers get to the starting line and I know others in the SSS will too. For example, I have a 25 watt DSC VHF and masthead antenna sitting here - the MMSI was never entered so just put yours in. I will GIVE it to you if that's keeping you from racing to the Farallones.
Let's see 69 entries again folks!
* In late April there were at least two used MOB poles at Blue Pelican.
Apples-to-apples comparison of additional requirements today vs. our 2011 SSI's: Boat structure issues in 2.1.1 and 2.1.4, single lifelines for boats <30', toe rails, details on the bilge pump and life jackets, fewer(!) flares, Lifesling and MOB pole* for SH's, heaving line, DSC VHF w/masthead antenna, handheld DSC VHF, installed depth sounder (vs. lead line), searchlight, second flashlight, 2 buckets, e-tiller for wheeled boats, a reef in the main, SAS class.
I will personally do anything I can to help skippers get to the starting line and I know others in the SSS will too. For example, I have a 25 watt DSC VHF and masthead antenna sitting here - the MMSI was never entered so just put yours in. I will GIVE it to you if that's keeping you from racing to the Farallones.
Let's see 69 entries again folks!
* In late April there were at least two used MOB poles at Blue Pelican.
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