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SSS Reminders and Holiday Wishes


Race Chair 0.5
Sending this out shortly via jibeset:


Hello SSS Racers!

* Three Bridge Fiasco registration is open at https://jibeset.net/JACKY000.php?RG=T006291399 . It is the biggest crazy-fun regatta on the West Coast, for the same low price as last year.

* YRA is making good progress getting 2025 PHRF certificates to people that have already ordered them at https://jibeset.net/YRA000.php?RG=T035469394 , but if you are not already on that list, now is a good time. To quote the YRA Friday Roundup: "Skippers who register on Jibeset.net by FRIDAY, JANUARY 3rd are guaranteed to have their 2025 certificate returned to them no later than FRIDAY JANUARY 17th." YRA will not guarantee orders placed after January 3 will be done by the Fiasco registration deadline of Wednesday January 22.

* Please reduce stress on yourself, on YRA, and on us, by registering now for both the race, and a 2025 PHRF certificate, at the two links above.

* We plan an in-person competitors meeting at Oakland YC on Wednesday January 22, starting 1900. I will cover the race, and give some very basic advice. You can meet very experienced Fiasco skippers to get even more advice. Please wear your oldest Fiasco shirt. I expect to have a bit of personal swag to give away at the start of the meeting, so don't be late.

I wish you happy holidays and a prosperous 2025. Thank you for racing with SSS.

SSS 2025 Race Chair