A recap of the Three Bridge Fiasco race yesterday.
Tortuga and I have sailed this race about a dozen times and only finished I think 3 times. It’s usually a light wind affair with heavy currents. I was actually optimistic that I’d be able to finish with the forecast of about 8-10 knots of wind. There were patches on the course where it was much less wind than that for sure, which added to the challenge of getting a full keel boat around the race course.
I decided I was going to try and not fight any currents as much as possible.
I went with the flood at the start to just get across the start line and get away from that start area with a ton of boats and then ride the flood current to Red Rock by the San Rafael Bridge. It’s a stressful start in any race with Tortuga given the limited maneuverability compared with most boats so I got across and out of that area as soon as possible.
I had originally planned to sail through raccoon straight where the current is stronger but was being pulled towards the gap between Angel Island and Alcatraz so went with it.
Had a good run and then the wind was getting really light. I switched out to the large light air jib, I started the race with the small working jib because I thought I might need to do some tacking through raccoon straights and did not want to be tacking around the start area with the large jib. Once I made the sail change I got a bit more boat speed. It was a mellow ride up around Red Rock with boat speeds from 3-5 knots. There’s definitely shipping traffic around there you need to watch for and you don’t want to get caught in the way of a ship and get the 5 blasts or your race is over. I could see loads of boats get up and around Red Rock and the spinnakers started popping. Most of the boats were well on their way to Treasure Island as the next mark by the time I got up and around. It was a relaxed downwind sail from Red Rock to TI doing about 3 knots.
I could see a bunch of boats all stopped around the east span of the bay bridge and as I got closer to TI my boat speed started to drop a lot.
I was doing about 1 knot and not making good progress. At that point the ebb current had started making it counter to where I needed to go. Looking at all the boats stopped on the east side I could see there was decent wind on the west side of TI and thought maybe it might be a better option although the current is stronger on that side. I decided to give it a try and then saw some others that followed. We were making good boat speed of about 4 knots albeit at a wind angle more towards the west end of the bay bridge and city front. Our speed started dropping as we got closer to the bay bridge span. It took about 4 attempts to get under the bridge fighting the adverse current. Trying to keep enough boat speed while getting swept away from the bridge. There was a moment when the log jam of boats made it around the back side of Yerba Buena and into the ebb so I got to see quite the parade of boats sail past. At that point I knew I’d be lucky to finish fighting the currents. There was decent breeze from the North so I thought I’d be OK on the back side of TI but once I got around, I was eeking along at 2 knots albeit it in favorable currents. By the time I got to the North end of TI around 5:30 there was barely any wind and I could see that the bay east of Alcatraz had pretty much glassed over so I knew my window of trying to finish was closed.
It was a beautiful day nonetheless but it was only a 2 bridge fiasco for Team Tortuga this time!
2024 Three Bridge Fiasco Aboard Westsail 32 Tortuga
Tortuga and I have sailed this race about a dozen times and only finished I think 3 times. It’s usually a light wind affair with heavy currents. I was actually optimistic that I’d be able to finish with the forecast of about 8-10 knots of wind. There were patches on the course where it was much less wind than that for sure, which added to the challenge of getting a full keel boat around the race course.
I decided I was going to try and not fight any currents as much as possible.
I went with the flood at the start to just get across the start line and get away from that start area with a ton of boats and then ride the flood current to Red Rock by the San Rafael Bridge. It’s a stressful start in any race with Tortuga given the limited maneuverability compared with most boats so I got across and out of that area as soon as possible.
I had originally planned to sail through raccoon straight where the current is stronger but was being pulled towards the gap between Angel Island and Alcatraz so went with it.
Had a good run and then the wind was getting really light. I switched out to the large light air jib, I started the race with the small working jib because I thought I might need to do some tacking through raccoon straights and did not want to be tacking around the start area with the large jib. Once I made the sail change I got a bit more boat speed. It was a mellow ride up around Red Rock with boat speeds from 3-5 knots. There’s definitely shipping traffic around there you need to watch for and you don’t want to get caught in the way of a ship and get the 5 blasts or your race is over. I could see loads of boats get up and around Red Rock and the spinnakers started popping. Most of the boats were well on their way to Treasure Island as the next mark by the time I got up and around. It was a relaxed downwind sail from Red Rock to TI doing about 3 knots.
I could see a bunch of boats all stopped around the east span of the bay bridge and as I got closer to TI my boat speed started to drop a lot.
I was doing about 1 knot and not making good progress. At that point the ebb current had started making it counter to where I needed to go. Looking at all the boats stopped on the east side I could see there was decent wind on the west side of TI and thought maybe it might be a better option although the current is stronger on that side. I decided to give it a try and then saw some others that followed. We were making good boat speed of about 4 knots albeit at a wind angle more towards the west end of the bay bridge and city front. Our speed started dropping as we got closer to the bay bridge span. It took about 4 attempts to get under the bridge fighting the adverse current. Trying to keep enough boat speed while getting swept away from the bridge. There was a moment when the log jam of boats made it around the back side of Yerba Buena and into the ebb so I got to see quite the parade of boats sail past. At that point I knew I’d be lucky to finish fighting the currents. There was decent breeze from the North so I thought I’d be OK on the back side of TI but once I got around, I was eeking along at 2 knots albeit it in favorable currents. By the time I got to the North end of TI around 5:30 there was barely any wind and I could see that the bay east of Alcatraz had pretty much glassed over so I knew my window of trying to finish was closed.
It was a beautiful day nonetheless but it was only a 2 bridge fiasco for Team Tortuga this time!
2024 Three Bridge Fiasco Aboard Westsail 32 Tortuga