Olson 34 Driver
I was unable to get to the finish this year, something I regret. I want to thank a few folks who put this race together, pushing issues along for two years.
Susan Walker - pulling together the awards dinner in Kauai, virtually single handed.
David Nabors - stepping in multiple times to upgrade/improve the website that he had created for past races. As well as support for sticky website problems.
Ray Irvine - Runs Jibeset, and in 2018 pulled together the tracking system we saw in use. He worked with SHTP management over many hours to dry run the use of a variety of trackers, pull the map display together, and coordinate it with David N to achieve weather data being displayed. This was no small task. Also during the race making tweaks as needed from his nest on Kauai.
Carliane - stepping in to take over management of the day to day SHTP website.
Kristen - once again selecting the bling and making it available to the racers, friends, and families. Also paying all the bills to vendors.
David H. - providing guidance and an additional set of eyes on the rules docs, also running the finish line when I had to bow out. Digitizing the seminars for live video and capture for future audiences. Arranging and shipping the container. Setting up the Yellow Frat House.
Rob of s/v Tiger Beetle - I am not sure of his entire role but I heard rumors of greeting boats when the Sea Squirrel refused to cooperate. Likely anchored folks, and used his boat as a comm vessel.
Jacky (Jacqueline) - once again rolling up some nice swag at a great discount, from Gill. Setting up all the seminar speakers. Photos, web page prose, help in Hanalei. Setting a great vibe.
Jim Saylor and the NYC - Making sure Nawiliwili YC was available, and working with Susan to get the finish celebration in place.
Larry Conklin - Crane operations, Matson interface, eyes on the beach situation after the storm, crash boat provider, and all around expert as to where to get something done on the island. Also, if you need to find a great fish taco Larry is the guy to call.
Synthia - a special thanks to Syn. for stepping in at the last minute to replace me at the finish line when I got pretty overwhelmed with biz. Her experience in past races was invaluable.
A number of folks pulled together the trophies, and photos, on the island. Thanks to those volunteers, this is typically a mad scramble.
I want to mention the owners of the Yellow House. They rushed the rebuild , after it was flooded out. Hence we had a place to crash throughout the finish period. I thought for sure the RC was going to end up camped in a suite at the St. Regis Hotel, overlooking the finish line from the Bar at great expense to Kristen's budget.
The race really benefits from the experience of this team. Most have been involved for 2016 and 2018, and some in earlier events. The continuity makes the management go quite smoothly. Hopefully some will come back in 2020 to keep the institutional knowledge alive. It is all pretty time consuming so if you have some awesome ideas to improve how it is all run, come prepared to invest a good chunk of time to make it happen.
Brian (who knew that the Forum edit function doesn't allow you to edit the title of a post ? )
Susan Walker - pulling together the awards dinner in Kauai, virtually single handed.
David Nabors - stepping in multiple times to upgrade/improve the website that he had created for past races. As well as support for sticky website problems.
Ray Irvine - Runs Jibeset, and in 2018 pulled together the tracking system we saw in use. He worked with SHTP management over many hours to dry run the use of a variety of trackers, pull the map display together, and coordinate it with David N to achieve weather data being displayed. This was no small task. Also during the race making tweaks as needed from his nest on Kauai.
Carliane - stepping in to take over management of the day to day SHTP website.
Kristen - once again selecting the bling and making it available to the racers, friends, and families. Also paying all the bills to vendors.
David H. - providing guidance and an additional set of eyes on the rules docs, also running the finish line when I had to bow out. Digitizing the seminars for live video and capture for future audiences. Arranging and shipping the container. Setting up the Yellow Frat House.
Rob of s/v Tiger Beetle - I am not sure of his entire role but I heard rumors of greeting boats when the Sea Squirrel refused to cooperate. Likely anchored folks, and used his boat as a comm vessel.
Jacky (Jacqueline) - once again rolling up some nice swag at a great discount, from Gill. Setting up all the seminar speakers. Photos, web page prose, help in Hanalei. Setting a great vibe.
Jim Saylor and the NYC - Making sure Nawiliwili YC was available, and working with Susan to get the finish celebration in place.
Larry Conklin - Crane operations, Matson interface, eyes on the beach situation after the storm, crash boat provider, and all around expert as to where to get something done on the island. Also, if you need to find a great fish taco Larry is the guy to call.
Synthia - a special thanks to Syn. for stepping in at the last minute to replace me at the finish line when I got pretty overwhelmed with biz. Her experience in past races was invaluable.
A number of folks pulled together the trophies, and photos, on the island. Thanks to those volunteers, this is typically a mad scramble.
I want to mention the owners of the Yellow House. They rushed the rebuild , after it was flooded out. Hence we had a place to crash throughout the finish period. I thought for sure the RC was going to end up camped in a suite at the St. Regis Hotel, overlooking the finish line from the Bar at great expense to Kristen's budget.
The race really benefits from the experience of this team. Most have been involved for 2016 and 2018, and some in earlier events. The continuity makes the management go quite smoothly. Hopefully some will come back in 2020 to keep the institutional knowledge alive. It is all pretty time consuming so if you have some awesome ideas to improve how it is all run, come prepared to invest a good chunk of time to make it happen.
Brian (who knew that the Forum edit function doesn't allow you to edit the title of a post ? )
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