I was reading a thread recently where someone posted about CHESSS, the Chesapeake Short-handed Sailing Society to help people become more confident in their singlehanding capabilities. Someone at CHESSS had told me a while back that they are a shorthanded society rather than singlehanders because they can't get enough people to race solo. They have now started this program called Solo+One. It uses experienced CHESSS singlehanders to observe on boats for skippers who want to get more experience singlehanding. The observer does not interfere unless assistance is needed. Given the depth of experience in our community of singlehanders, I thought this was a nifty program that the SSS might want to consider. Maybe all those doublehanders who come out to SSS races are really singlehander wannabees.
Here's a write up on the Solo+One idea: https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/1795e0_7a269d6eed00481f9554ede1e078e789.pdf
What do you all think about this? It would mean we'd have to sail on OPBs. Certainly not a problem for me!
Here's a write up on the Solo+One idea: https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/1795e0_7a269d6eed00481f9554ede1e078e789.pdf
What do you all think about this? It would mean we'd have to sail on OPBs. Certainly not a problem for me!