You have a point ... So let's resume where we left before the SHTP ... This time there is a constraint: the boat would need to be fast enough to complete the trip in 4 months, with this skipper, solo, uninterrupted. Assistance is ok. A short stop is ok too if necessary. I don't feel it necessary to go round Hawaii, personally. I'm not trying to break or set a record; this is more like preparing for something else. I'm thinking starting late 2020 and round Cape Horn about the same time the Vendee Globe skippers will, assuming that makes sense weather wise for the rest of the trip (that says a lot about my ignorance; but we all know that: I'll remain a newbie till I die). Last I don't have large budget, I don't even have a small budget but that's another story
1. I can't do this round the world thing alone! Anyone interested in contributing in any way?
2. Any suggestion for a boat that's ready to go
I just ordered four books about/by previous Vendee Globe skippers ... that'll either get me started or it'll send me looking for another past-time
I have my own goal for 2020, or more likely 2022 so this isn't going to be on my radar.
That said, I'm going to be brutally honest, here. Please don't take this personally, I haven't met you, I have no axe to grind here and I'm not trying to rain on your parade. Honest....but here goes.
Over the years there have been a number of schemes, including one of mine, which have been floated on this board. Mini's that were going to do the SHTP were one. Eight years went by between when the first mini-hopeful started posting here and the first 6.5 to actually complete the race. We watched guys complain about the rules, go on and on about how mini's were special and better so they didn't have to play by the same rules. They didn't have to have communication equipment and so on. It got really tiresome.
This community watched me work hard for eighteen months to try to organize a race called the "CrossPac"....all to naught. Three for four times I've proposed the idea of a West-Coast "Figaro-like" shorthanded race boat, to a chorus of yawns and complete disinterest. The online sailing community is chockablock full of folks with great ideas, but no money and no serious stick-to-it-iveness to make their ideas happen.
I'm going to be blunt. "Around the World from the West Coast" strikes me as another one of these ideas. You have no money. NONE. You don't have a boat. Nobody else has signed up to play. There's no website. There's no press package. There's NOTHING but you talking about this on the SSS forum. Take a hard look at the recent Shorthanded Race that just left from Southern California. The organizer is a good guy, he's got sailing experience, he has a boat. He doesn't have a big budget, but he's advertising a doable experience...sailing solo to Hawaii. Right and how many boats are making the trip in the Shaka? Three? Sailing solo AROUND THE WORLD? That's orders of magnitude more challenge. Look, the SHTP is the biggest long-range singlehanded ocean-crossing race on the West Coast. The Pac Cup is the biggest doublehanded race. They are maybe half compared to, for example the Transquadra - France to the Caribbean, which is just ONE of the multitude of shorthanded races that cross the Atlantic.
The one and only person in Nor Cal who amassed enough money and everything else to pull this off was Bruce Schwab, and while I like Bruce personally, and admire his dedication to achieving his dream, he burned a lot of bridges around her to make it happen. I hope that he's happy in Maine. What he went through wouldn't have been worth it, to me...I hope it was for Bruce. There's no question that what he achieved was absolutely amazing, but that's what it takes to do a serious around the world race like what you're proposing. That or you're best friends with a couple of multi-millionnaires who own huge vineyards.
Racing around the world on a modern solo sailing machine in a competitive fleet is at least a million dollar exercise. I sure don't have it. Bruce didn't have it, he was a rigger at Svendsens. Who here, has that kind of money to spend on sailing?...not to mention the kind of stamina it takes to pull off a race like that.
Will you be the guy who convinces Ford and Starbucks and Nike and Uber and Elon Musk and Citibank that an around-the-world solo sailboat race starting from Silicon Valley is the Next Hottest Thing? ...that each of them should pony up a million and a half dollars to put some SSS sailors on red-hot custom Classe 40 boats to sprint to Puerto Montt, Chile on Leg One? Maybe. But I won't bet on it. When that happens, let us all know. Not that I'll sign up, I doubt that I'm up for a solo Around the World race.
meanwhile, if you want to post about what would make a great boat for a solo non-race circumnavigation, then by all means, post on the forum. But unless you're really good at making video and getting patreon accounts, or raising money though online means, or happen to stumble upon a million dollar a year job next month, don't hold your breath. Dropping $25,000 into a 1986 Wilderness 30 and racing to Hawaii is one thing. Buying a $250,000 Classe 40 (that's in Europe) getting it over here, putting another $40,000 into it, then having support crew meet you in five widely-spaced locations around the world is a whole other ballgame.
If you, personally want to buy a boat YOURSELF and do a 'round the world voyage, then go to it. But hoping that a whole mess of SSS'ers will jump on the bandwagon, buy boats, and take off for a year to race around the world is fantasy.
And remember, this is the <B>single largest group of shorthanded sailors in north America</b>. You are talking to The Group most likely to make this happen, and it's NOT going to happen, with us. Not without a freaking lot of money. Find the money, then you might have a chance.