I had two important newbie lessons from Drake's Bay: Safety and anchoring. This one is on safety... I got an All Ships distress call on VHF.
Long story short:
I got an ALL SHIPS SAFETY distress signal on VHF between Bonita and Duxberry on the way out To DB
I took a screenshot
I know its 99% likely this was an accidental trigger but if you ignore them, what about the 1 in 100 chance it isn't?
Tried calling CG Sector SF and Sector GG CH 16, no response, which was odd at that distance
Tried 72, no response but I then had to get to the cabin top to get a cell signal so may have missed one
Cell phone worked to CG Sector GG
I expressed concern this might be MOB from single-hander for example
(BTW CG guy was really great throughout)
Cell phone comms was very poor and I had to juggle the phone to get coverage and calls kept dropping. Stopped racing, engine on.
Just before I lost cell signal I got a text number from CG
I texted the distress screenshot to CG
Between CG and myself back and forth we tracked MMSI to a boat H***-K** out of Sausalito
Neither my B&G MFD + NAIS Class B or my Em-Trak Class A showed this MMSI anywhere near me
I took screenshots of all boats in 5 nm range on both AIS devices
CG wanted contact info for PROs and I gave them both
I warned PROs by text what was going on and said I could do little more but was standing by in case
Got a text from CG saying thanks and they were investigating but didnt think distress was from the race fleet
I wondered if this could be a MOB that was "borrowed" from another boat (i.e. crew had taken a MOB device linked to boat A on board boat B), and I expressed that concern to CG
Didnt hear anything until I got to Drake's Bay and asked RC what happened, response was "It was resolved"
What I learned and don't know
1. You have to take a screenshot of everything. I did it so I could easily read it on my phone but thank goodness I did. Once you navigate away from screens it is easy to lose valuable information.
2. I have an onging "project" to figure out what is going on with VHF, CH 16 coverage, CG and boat Tx range, effect of direction, CG antennas used, Tx power... but basically in my experience in the Bay VHF is line of sight at best, offshore I'm still figuring it out.
3. I did not print out the final Sis with list of boats. I was moored in SF night before when SIs with fleet assignments were published. I discovered you cannot easily read SI PDFs on cell phone. Thus I had no easy way to translate MMSI <---> boat names and I could not easily give CG the boat names. I still have to figure out when and under what circumstances AIS displays change from MMSI (initially displayed) to name (sometimes names never appear). Also why my B&G AIS does not always show exactly the same boats as my Em-Trak.
4. I don't know exactly what different brands of MOB do to communicate with mother VHF via DSC and what messages go out in what format in what situations. So, for example, what exactly triggers an ALL SHIPS? Here's basically all I know which isn't very much
https://www.sailingscuttlebutt.com/...2/05/PERSONAL-MOB-HANDOUT-FINAL-4.26.22-1.pdf The manuals for MOBs are pretty useless. I have one.
5. Text has way more distance that voice. Dont know what it is, I will try and find out, but it's way further.
6. Thank goodness I had written down stuff like PRO names and phone numbers in Ships Log. I keep stuff in Evernote but it would have been way too hard to rummage through that.
7. Biggest lesson is "fog of war". I have been through a few situations where I have helped CG rescues inside the Bay with kiter friends and what-not, but not usually life-threatening stuff. Things always get lost in translation and confusion easily sets in even with the CG pros. One kiter did drown a few years back because accurate comms couldnt happen quickly enough. But offshore in bad weather, it would be a nightmare. I keep thinking I should get a SART for example.
8. Digital DSC (like text vs voice) must have way more range than analog VHF. That brings up an interesting situation similar to the above, You get a digital DSC alert but you cant respond on CH 16 to figure out what is going on. I have not read anything on this. So you are out there, probably out of sight of anyone, no analog VHF comms, and you get a DSC from MOB or whatever, what the heck do you do?