No report but from what I could see the West end was very calm. Boats were not bouncing at all. By the old fishing pier.
Outsider and The PCExpress were closer to the point which offered a bit more protection. I split off the raft around midnight and simply drifted back and dropped my plow (already sitting on deck) with 15 ft of chain and 100 ft more rode. It was a bumpy, mostly sleepless night with several trips to the foredeck to check on chafe et. I dropped a danforth after the first anchor was set. The anchor alarm never went off and the chart plotter offered some solace. I didn’t bother with the outboard in the morning- just pulled up the danforth, set the main and sailed up on the plow which finally gave when Pork Chop got over the top of it. Not a particularly easy weekend but perhaps the tax has been paid for the next jaunt.