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Drake's Bay Race Information


New member
The Drake's Bay Race is coming up in a couple of weeks. We have opened up race registrations on Jibeset, but there are no SIs posted yet. This is an unusual race for the SSS as it it is run by the YRA and we have minimal involvement in organizing or executing the race. As we await final docs from the YRA, the SSS RC thought that we should publish some basic information about the race for interested participants. SI's from the 2019 race can be found here: https://www.jibeset.net/show.php?RR=JACKY_T002231699&DOC=si&TYP=pdf. Please use the 2019 SIs as a general guide as there will be changes to the 2021 SIs. Feel free to post questions on this thread. SSS RC

General Overview of Drake's Bay Race Format (subject to change!)
- Drake's Bay I: Saturday Aug. 28; Drake's Bay II: Sunday Aug. 29
- Basic course is SF city front <=> Drakes Bay, keeping outside of the Duxbury Reef buoy
- Day 1 start and day 2 finish is off the Golden Gate YC (X buoy)
- RC for day 1 start and day 2 finish will be members of the Berkeley YC
- Day 1 finish and day 2 start is inside Drake's Bay
- Drake's Bay finish/start line is between white buoy “DB” and the Pt. Reyes Fish Dock
- RC for day 1 finish and day 2 start will be members of the Inverness YC
- There will likely be committee boat at buoy “DB” for the day 1 finish
- Day 2 start will likely be conducted from shore without a boat on station
- There will be a VHF roll-call in Drake's Bay for all boats that finish and anchor overnight
- Retirements on both days will be reported via the designated RC channels - DO NOT USE SSS EMAIL OR VOICEMAIL TO REPORT RETIREMENT (will not be monitored)
- SIs will be posted on Jibeset on Monday Aug. 23; starting flags will be posted on Friday Aug. 27
- There will be a SSS Zoom skippers' meeting on Wednesday Aug. 25
- Registration for SSS participants is via Jibeset through the SSS Drake's Bay link
- The YRA and SSS boats will be scored separately
I don't have a PHRF certificate. Can I use a rating from US Sailing for my class of boat?
Never mind. Just got my answer from the NOR for 2021.
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Although, with 5 days to go, there are as yet no NOR or SI's for the Drakes Bay rally next weekend, I will make note that the NPS rangers are aware of the arrival and overnighting of a large, combined SSS and YRA fleet.

They have asked that I help make aware a very sensitive subject for the NPS territory at Pt. Reyes and inside Drakes Bay: No drones are to be flown. Drones are now de rigueur aboard many boats, and with the recent disaster at Bolsa Chica, as well as current visitation by migratory birds, including sooty shearwaters, please keep all drones grounded while at anchor.

Here's the Bolsa Chica story, when 3,000 elegant terns abandoned their nests due to a drone. https://www.audubon.org/news/a-drone-crash-caused-thousands-elegant-terns-abandon-their-nests
Although, with 5 days to go, there are as yet no NOR or SI's for the Drakes Bay rally next weekend

Ask and you shall receive. This from the SSS RC: SI s are being published by YRA and we will post on SSS jibeset as soon as we have them.
Ask and you shall receive. This from the SSS RC: SI s are being published by YRA and we will post on SSS jibeset as soon as we have them.

Promises. The lateness of presentation has led to confusion and unfamiliar doublehanders are registering at both YRA and SSS sites.
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I don't see where one is able to register for Drakes Bay through OYRA?


Apparently you are welcome to race single or doublehanded in fully crewed OYRA races. If both the OYRA and SSS race the same course on the same day, it seems you could enter either. The starting times might be different, or not. Without hardcopy online instructions, it is hard to tell protocol. For example, CHANGABANG has entered OYRA and SURPRISE! has entered SSS, yet both are racing DH.
Trying to post from my iFone since we’re out of town…

OYRA’s SIs are up on Jibeset (Addendum 7).

You can blame Andy Newell and me for the concept, which we cooked up when I was the SSS Race Chair. But I take no responsibility for the present execution.

I do know that YRA put on the Vallejo Race last weekend and that draws down the Human Resources. Also, they’re using a combination of Berkeley Yacht Club, Inverness Yacht Club and perhaps even RegattaPro to plan the weekend. We have Tom and Tim - much simpler!

We’ll get there and back and a good time will be had. Dave is hoping to catch a salmon, per an e-Mail I received as he was taking off from Paris for DFW at 0200.
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Update Drake's Bay Race Information

Updates to Drake's Bay Race Information
- YRA has posted the SIs for the race (see attached)
- Starting flags will be posted on Friday morning (per the YRA)
- To race and be scored by the SSS, you must register through the SSS Jibeset portal (https://www.jibeset.net/JACKY000.php?RG=T00843218)
- There will be a SSS Zoom skippers' meeting this Wednesday Aug. 25 at 7:30 PM (Zoom login: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86821159969?pwd=K05DVExJcEVjc3h6TjNCamtZMkJVdz09)

- Day 1 start / Day 2 finish is off the St Francis YC, not the Golden Gate YC
- There will not be a committee boat at Drake's Bay for the Day 1 finish or Day 2 start
- You have to record your own finish time on Day 1 in Drake's Bay and report to shore-based RC
- There will be RC onshore at Drake's Bay to receive finishers' times and to do a roll-call

- A reminder: This race is being conducted by the YRA, Berkeley YC, and Inverness YC. DO NOT USE SSS EMAIL OR VOICEMAIL TO REPORT RETIREMENT (will not be monitored)



Thanks for SI's. The PDF seems to not contain the referenced chartlet - I know this is a YRA doc .
OYRA standing SIs can be found here ---

7.2 The scheduled time of the first starting signal for each race day is 0940hrs

Therefore, the first SSS division (sportboats) will be the 3rd start @ 0955

Also of note ---

PS. Don't forget your fly swatters!!!
Thanks 'Zia. Surprise! is entered under our SSIs, not OYRA's, but now we know they apparently apply to our fleet as well.

They could have simply put the first warning time in the Drake's Bay instructions, as is normally done. I guess four documents to cover everything is better than one.
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Note: Another set of everything was just published and now we're back to starting at the GGYC.

I think.
We turned around, put the kite up, then saw 25+ under the bridge, and broached when the tower "gave it back". We recovered nicely and carried on.
Sad that we didn't make it all way up ...
What sort of sail combination is that? And when does it work well for you?
It's the max jib (105%) and a hybrid Code-0/A3. Basically a Code-o with a more fuller shape. In light close-reaching conditions I found leaving the jib up works well. Most of the time the jib is lowered when in use.
Sat motor up.jpg

Saturday at 1700 I still had 20 miles to go, with 2 kts (maybe) SOG, so the math said motor. For a time, the fleet of 8 "still in-it-to-win-it" were pulling away as I motor-sailed pass Duxbury Reef buoy @ ~5kts. I took this picture as I was passing them. I'd just gotten my anchor set in 15' when the 1st of 4 boats crossed the line before the 2200 cut-off. Congrats to the only SSS finisher, Raven the multihull! And accolades to Arcadia, Concussion and Envolee, you get the perseverance trophy for Saturday.

Sunday morning I awoke to see I'd anchored in an SSS pod with Surprise!, Dura Mater, Galaxsea, and Raven the multihull. With Arcadia and Envolee close by.

So lovely to see Siren Sunday morning before the start.

Nice weekend.