Olson 34 Driver
Hello PBryant,
Our wording, shown below, should be altered to accommodate the vertical red/green lamp that you use and is in compliance with COLREGS. I am going to propose this change to our rules team.
4.30 Navigation lights as required by the COLREGS, except COLREGS Rule 25(d) shall not apply (vessels less than 7 meters in length). Navigation lights shall be mounted so that sails or the heeling of the yacht will not mask them, and they shall not be mounted below deck level. All yachts shall have a masthead tricolor light or a strobe capable of being hoisted to the masthead.
"tricolor light" above, should probably be worded to state something like, "a mast head light COLREG compliant, examples: tricolor, veritcal green/red". We will consider this as an addendum to the rule set.
Our wording, shown below, should be altered to accommodate the vertical red/green lamp that you use and is in compliance with COLREGS. I am going to propose this change to our rules team.
4.30 Navigation lights as required by the COLREGS, except COLREGS Rule 25(d) shall not apply (vessels less than 7 meters in length). Navigation lights shall be mounted so that sails or the heeling of the yacht will not mask them, and they shall not be mounted below deck level. All yachts shall have a masthead tricolor light or a strobe capable of being hoisted to the masthead.
"tricolor light" above, should probably be worded to state something like, "a mast head light COLREG compliant, examples: tricolor, veritcal green/red". We will consider this as an addendum to the rule set.