With 3 fronts and associated low passing over SF Bay, in 72 hours we've had 5" of rain tip the gauge on the Capitola Boat Club deck. Snow is visible on the higher mountains surrounding Monterey Bay, and it's been chilly enough that commuters over Highway 17 encountered slush and ice this morning at the summit.
A sparkling afternoon, and my long time friend, Andre', is singing his heart out in the sun on his favorite willow branch at the Cliff. I named Andre', an Anna's hummingbird, after Andre' Bocelli. And he is now a well known character at the Cliff who likes to show off his emerald and ruby shimmer in the warm sun.
The willows are just beginning to bloom, and except for the temperature of 50 degrees while riding my bike to PT, it could feel like spring.
Here's photos of Andre' during past years. He likes to part my hair with his zippy aerial flybys.
I will introduce Andre' to the first person to correctly answer the following question.
What is fastest for it's length?:
1) F-35 military jet
2) A cheetah
3) the outhaul block on DURA MATER"s boom end gybing in 16 knots of wind.
4) Andre'
5) a Peregrine
I was talking with good friends Maggie and Buzz Ballenger the other day. Buzz is the last aluminum mast maker on the West Coast and will likely retire in the next few years. Buzz told me it is increasingly difficult to get aluminum masts as it is no longer profitable for the aluminum extruders to deal with mast sections. There are only four sources in the country Buzz can order a mast tube. And those are about to become fewer. And no places in the Bay area to get a mast anodized, after the recent closure of Metalco in Emeryville.
Buzz, Fox, and I were comparing commercial flying with yacht parts. Fox flies tomorrow to New Zealand with 4 lithium batteries in his carry-on for an ex-pat sailor friend with power tools. Whether Fox gets on the plane carrying the batteries is problematical. They are legal to carry on, but only if 100 watts each, or less, and then only if the TSA agent is cognizant of the the fine print. Which Fox is carrying.
Buzz recalled he once tried to fly back from S.Cal with a solid boom vang off the broken mast of a 50 footer. He was pulled aside and asked to explain why he was carrying a portable rocket launcher/bazooka.
My experience involved a 5/16" braided rope belt I mistakenly wore through airport security in Boston. The belt was knotted with a square knot, no metal buckle. I was quietly pulled out of line and told to come to an examination room.
I was told to undress. They apparently wanted to see if the "dynamite fuse" I was wearing around my waist was attached to some explosive up my butt..Fortunately I was able to convince the examiners that it was a rope belt and not a fuse. But they kept my belt to make sure.
Fox, Buzz, Andre' and me. Terrorists all.