Meanwhile, da dum, Matson's just launched replacement ship for the KAUAI has a little problem...the mate saw daylight in the tunnel coming in from outside. The hull is cracked. Whoops. A little Bondo should fix that right up. Not.
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Big ship's do break in half on occasion. And even keep floating. One of the classic and best sea stories ever written is the tale woven by author and conservationist Farley Mowat about the ocean going salvage tug FOUNDATION JOSEPHINE, her irrepressible and courageous crew, and the chase to hook a tow line to the broken in half Liberty ship LEICESTER in 1948. The name of the book is Serpent's Coil

FOUNDATION JOSEPHINE does find LEICESTER (no radar in those days). But then not one, but two
Atlantic hurricanes intercede. And what happens then, oh boy! Let's just say you would not expect to find an ocean going tug blown ashore into the middle of a Bermuda golf course. And how they got her out of that fix to resume the hunt is just part of this salty tale.
Farley Mowat has been recalled by his publisher as “a small, feisty, kilt-wearing character” who “wore his kilt dangerously.” “He always enjoyed the odd drink or two or three,”
In 1985, Mowat was barred from entering the U.S. on book tour for Sea of Slaughter. U.S. Immigration officials ruled MOWAT was "prejudicial to the national interest" of whaling.
In honor of his anti-whaling outspokeness, the Sea Shepards named one of their ships RV FARLEY MOWAT.
This song by Stan Rodgers is not about the FOUNDATION JOSEPHINE and the heroism of her crew..but the spirit of this mighty little salvage tug that could is there for sure.
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