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New Boat 4 Sled

Rudder looks like an easy repair, yes? If the stanchions or bases needing welding, they'll likely rust. Yes? Tell Ruben "Hi."

I've been cleaning the garage and found enough old climbing equipment to have gotten Napoleon, his mule, and crew across the Alps. About time to make a small and simple boom brake from a biner and rappel bar. Anyone want to test? I don't own a boom at present:p

I've only ever used a boom brake once, on an Islander 36 running down the City Front in 18-20. Except for it's size and weight, I was impressed. The boom gybed smoothly to the count of 10.

A good friend (Jim Mullarkey) recently got an Islander 36. Sounds like a good candidate and a likely home if no other takers.

I really enjoyed the photos of Uffa Fox and Prince Philip. Flying fifteens....still raced extensively in the UK.
Rudder looks like an easy repair, yes? If the stanchions or bases needing welding, they'll likely rust. Yes? Tell Ruben "Hi."

I just got off the phone with Ruben. The bite on the rudder was smaller than it looks (to me) in the photo - it's about 2" long. They were able to repair it without taking all my AP work loose and dropping the rudder. Chuck (PO) put a lot of work into the bearings when I bought the boat and Greg Nelsen recently added some carbon to eliminate the slop in the steering. I'm glad none of that had to be disturbed.

They'll weld and polish the stanchions right on the boat. Since the boat was built by TPI using a lot of J Boat parts, I should be able to get new stanchions pretty easily, even those gates.

So it's all going well. I'm pleased with how smoothly this yard runs with Ruben taking a personal interest - and he loves doing it!
With 59 days to the SHTP start, happy to see the 2021 SHTP SER's (Safety Equipment Requirements) posted to Jibeset yesterday. Goodness knows the result if an entrant attempted to schedule a haulout at this late date to fit a mandated knot meter and/or install a depth sounder that reads to 200 feet.

Personally I dislike holes in the hull for either a knot meter or depth sounder. A handheld GPS gives speed and miles run. And a lead line with 200 feet of marked rode is cheap and reliable. Knot meters are basically thrill meters. And depth sounders don't work through most wood hulls or if the transducer is accidentally bottom painted before launch.

Why am I so "old school?" I've seen numerous knot meter plastic paddle wheels disabled in Transpacs and other passages after collision with flotsam, jetsam, and marine life. As well, I am familiar with a race boat that fell off a wave, punching the knot meter up into the forepeak. Had this boat been singlehanding instead of fully crewed, it would have likely sunk from the resultant leak.

YRA has a DH Series, with the "Islands Race" coming up weekend after next. I know it's Covid and all that. But why YRA/Jibeset can't post possible courses and starting order, much less start times, until last minute is a wonderment. Islands? I know at least one SSS stalwart who has circumnavigated Brooks Island in his 30 footer, stopping enroute for a picnic. Could Brooks be an island in the course? Not likely, but neither was a helicopter on Mars.

Happier news, maybe, is I note WILDCAT OF LOCH AWE remains entered in SHTP. Maybe there's been a change of heart, we sincerely hope. Alan's put in more work for his SHTP than about anyone I know.

Can't say we do any better here at CBC fiddling away our time as we race our violins Wednesday nites to the tune of Sailor's Hornpipe.


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The fact that I'm still listed on jibeset as entered in the race confuses me to no end. I requested that my registration be withdrawn weeks ago. I announced on the forum that I was going to have to withdraw, weeks ago. Finally I e-mailed the race chairman about it, about three weeks ago, and heard back. Yet I'm still listed on jibeset.

It's not a huge old deal but it's a symptom of why I got so stressed and so upset that my blood pressure skyrocketed to the point where I was seeing numbers like 171/94... where I was so stressed and upset that I was having difficulty breathing and couldn't get to sleep for a couple of hours after going to bed. So stressed that I was having dizzy spells multiple times a day. In fact, before I withdrew I DID have a haulout scheduled for the current week, in which I was going to install the through-hull transducer for the *I assumed would be required* depth sounder. That work would be done, now, and the Wildcat would be back in the water at the Berkeley Marine Center in time for this coming weekends race. I haven't checked the SER's. Is the knotmeter now required to be "Permanently installed" too? I was going to use a knotstick, the manual towed knotmeter for my "knotmeter". Maybe I couldn't do that now? If not, then I'd have to pay for ANOTHER haulout in order to install it.

All the skippers meetings and seminars are via zoom. That's nobody's "fault", it's just how it has to be, but the SHTP's that I remember and loved revolved around a community of sailors, friends and family. The cold hard truth would have been that aside from a couple of the sailors that I already knew, we'd all get to the Start and would have only met each other the day before at the in-person skippers meeting IF...IF.... the RYC even lets us have one. This is not the SHTP community/event that I wanted to be a part of, one more time. It's nobody's ~FAULT~...COVID has messed up everything.

Will we be able to anchor for more than 3 days in Hanalei Bay? Don't know. Will I have to have Hawaii insurance before I leave? Don't know. Will Joan, fully vaccinated, still have to quarantine for X number of days when she gets to Kauai? Don't know....and as of a month ago, Joan was saying "I don't think I'll go to Kauai, this time.". We'll probably know the answer to those things as the start gets closer, but then it's all that more of a panic to get even more things done at the last minute.

A month and a little more, ago...in the middle of what was "just" stress, with dizzy spells and insane blood pressure numbers, scared that I was going to go out into the middle of the Pacific and have an aneurism, I looked at how this race was developing. I looked at the budget and realized that sure, I'd spend almost $5K so far, I'd worked my butt off, but there was another $7K to spend before the gun went off, and that didn't include flights, hotels, meals in Kauai and so on. Despite all my preparation, it was going to be a huge rush, and the reality was that even so, it was entirely possible that the whole thing would be cancelled.....And Joan wasn't even going to go!

So I made the decision that made sense to me. My worst blood pressure spikes dropped 10 points in three days. A week later, the dizzy spells stopped, except for after I take a hot shower. My blood pressure is down to a 5-day average of 141/78 and the current 5-day averaging period might be lower than that and back to normal. I'm sleeping, I'm breathing. I did the right thing.

But why on earth I am still listed on the Jibeset site, I can't fathom. Six weeks ago I would have gotten really upset about it. Now? Whatever. Not my problem any more.
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I'm hearing you Alan, but I've grown weary of posting about this stuff. Jibeset still says I owe $150 even after a friendly e-mail exchange with Brian months ago, where my fees from 2020 were supposed to get applied to 2021. Not a big deal, but it makes me wonder if anyone remembered to apply for the race permit (etc.)

I'm out for 2021. "Tax season" has been the worst ever. The relevant issue is that most of my Spring work has been extended into the Summer. Since I'm retiring later this year it makes more sense to plan on 2022 to Kaneohe with some other long-time SSS'ers and RYC dockmates. I might even race crewed and try to win the Carl Schumacher trophy.

It's all good, really, but there have been frustrations with the SHTP. The ocean offshore is still cobalt blue, the millions of visible stars and steadily warming breezes await, and we'll get there eventually.
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I'm hearing you Alan, but I've grown weary of posting about this stuff. ....

I just wrote all that because Skip mentioned me. I haven't been posting here recently because honestly, I just don't have much to say. I'm planning on enjoying this weekends race. I'm planning on doing the Singlehanded Farallones one more time. I'm going to go do 10 days in the Delta in June and we'll see if I can pull up in any of the marinas or not, when I get there. Then it's time to put the Wildcat up for sale and focus on the Piper. Time to move on, and for heavens sake, it's time to quit getting so upset over everything that I get dizzy spells.

This year I've had fun learning about the asymmetrical spinnaker. I wouldn't have bought it if I'd known that I wasn't going to be using it to get to Kauai, but in the end, if was a fun thing to learn....and I'm still learning. That's all good.
I just wrote all that because Skip mentioned me. Time to move on, and for heavens sake, it's time to quit getting so upset over everything that I get dizzy spells. This year I've had fun learning about the asymmetrical spinnaker. I wouldn't have bought it if I'd known that I wasn't going to be using it to get to Kauai, but in the end, if was a fun thing to learn....and I'm still learning. That's all good.

Thank you AlanH for sharing this. In the big picture, this is an inspirational and educational story for all...stress makes us crazy. Thank you. We look forward to seeing you on the water and in the mountains. ~sleddog
Thank you AlanH for sharing this. In the big picture, this is an inspirational and educational story for all...stress makes us crazy. Thank you. We look forward to seeing you on the water and in the mountains. ~sleddog

I'm looking forward to crewing for friends...assuming that someone wants rail meat and a grinder! .... and laid-back Estuary racing and daysailing whilst "looking good" in the Piper.
EVER GIVEN is aground again in Suez Canal ....aground on shoals of insurance claims. And we thought Transpac racing had insurance trouble. Anyone got $960 million to bail out the EVER GIVEN? No? I feel sorry for her stranded crew aboard, likely for months. Fresh food? Not likely.
Vicky wishes to Know how you plan to aid the critter to find its home? These characters are a bit notorious for going walkabout for navigation practice. The sail and mast are, no doubt, standing furled in some stealthy corner awaiting service for the next leg to a new waypoint.
Vicky wishes to Know how you plan to aid the critter to find its home? These characters are a bit notorious for going walkabout for navigation practice. The sail and mast are, no doubt, standing furled in some stealthy corner awaiting service for the next leg to a new waypoint.

The Eastern Box Turtle in the photo up thread had crawled out of the forest and was in the middle of Scraggy Neck Rd. in Cataumet, MA, on Buzzards Bay several years ago. Possibly in search of a turtle girlfriend? I picked him up and we went door to door for an hour. He was not a missing pet and neighbors seemed to agree he was a wild turtle, and occasionally seen around those parts. After having Mr. E. Box Turtle in a box for an hour, he was gently replaced across the road he'd been attempting to cross and in the forest near a small stream, out of harm's way, to resume his walkabout.

Box turtles apparently can live to a ripe old age. 100?

Did I mention the CBC Port Captain and I recently saw a bright yellow and black bird on the CBC Race deck? Neither of us had ever seen one of these mocking bird size birds in these parts and believe it to be a Bullock's Oriole. Have any correspondents ever seen one of these beautiful birds? Vicky? Sue?

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SSS of SF Bay sailors would be forgiven for not remembering today, Friday, April 23, 2021, is the 151st birthday of "blown to glory" one of your favorite rounding marks, Blossom Rock, in a huge explosion that attracted most of the citizenry of San Francisco to the waterfront to spectate. Instead of having encounters with Blossom Rock, only a fathom under water at low tide, now there is a green/red bell buoy "BR" in 39 feet of water to round where the 100 foot wide rock was.. The History Guy tells a better story than I, even though neither of us were there in 1870 to report.


What did Blossom Rock have to do with the TV sitcom The Addams Family?
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What did Blossom Rock have to do with the TV sitcom The Addams Family?

I won't answer directly but will add a related trivia question:

Edith Marie Blossom MacDonald, aka "Grandmama":

1) Was the older sister of Jeanette MacDonald, who sang while San Francisco burned in a 1936 movie

2) Was also known as Blossom Rock, and was Kid Rock's great-grandmother

3) (1) and part of (2)

4) (2) and part of (1)
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I hereby withdraw my prize (you snooze, you lose!)

See prizes below.
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This hi-jacking of my trivia, of which I wholeheartedly approve, brings up an existential question: can I enter Bob's trivia, although I don't want Bob's prize. I promise: I do not know the answer! (Although I knew it when I asked the trivia.)

Here's the deal: whoever answers my trivia wins a pint of Marianne's Macapuno. And whoever answers Bob's trivia, also wins a pint. So there is the chance at winning a quart of Macapuno.
I'm with you, Skip. I'm avoiding Bob's trivia question for the obvious reason: working on a boat instead of eating ice cream? Huh!

That is one sweet little toitle.

What do I have to share? Well, I'll exit your thread and move to Kynntana's ...
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