Hi Dreamers,
The current Catch 22 would be humorous if it weren't so potentially deadly for RYC's neighbors of hawks, owls, feral cats, fox, coyote, and "Lee" and "Eileen" the resident osprey. RYC's management claims the multiple rat poison boxes are effective, and harmless to wildlife and birds. I have been told to take any questions to Orkin. In 4 calls to Orkin, Orkin management has verbally repeated to me they "will not answer my questions as I am not the customer."
Thanks to TP and others, we have proof what anti-coagulant rodenticide are in the RYC boxes, and it is the bad stuff indeed, Diphacinone and Bromadiolone with Lumitrak. Bromadiolone is unequivocally cited in 2021 CA state law AB 1788 as being illegal (
https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201920200AB1788), and Diphacinone is only legal through a known loophole. As well, raptors and owls are protected species under both the Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act, part 703, and Cal State Code 3503.3. If you are poisoning their food, you are not protecting the species!
What would be a really cool thing is if RYC's membership agreed to nix the expensive poison and substitute owl boxes for rodenticide poisoned bait boxes. Thanks to any and all who would like to make their opinions known on this site as have MAGICdreamers.
PS: What is "Lumitrack" in the Bromadiolone poison? Bell Labs had recently made it so rats who eat the Bromadiolone with phosphors added will have the indignity of their turds glowing bright green under UV or Black Light so one can follow where they go to slowly die. Lovely.