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New Boat 4 Sled

Jonathan McKee
This answer is of course correct but incomplete. At least one other crew, Alyosha Strum-Palerm, from R2K winner TEAM PURE and WILD is aboard BLUE in the ongoing Pac Cup. Prizes will be withheld until someone answers this following question. What other PacCup entry is doing battle with BLUE, currently stands in the top 5 for overall Pac Cup win, and is featured in the top grossing movie of 2022?
Don't everyone answer at once.
What does BLUE have onboard in common with the recent winner of the R2AK, TEAM PURE and WILD?
Well you didn't say name "everything" they have in common. I did know about his apprentice doing both. Oh well..... will have to keep trying for the elusive ice cream trophy!
While on the subject of Philpott winning more Macapuno icecream with her answer of RUFLESS starring in Top Gun Maverick, we will segue to the the US Naval Academy at Annapolis which has an outstanding sailing program on campus. Seamanship, both inshore and offshore, is demanded. If you run aground, you are potentially up for dismissal from the Academy. That said, 9 out of 10 people I know have difficulty understanding apparent wind and it's effects.

Pity the operations officer last Thursday when an F/A18 Super Hornet blew overboard from the USS HARRY TRUMAN aircraft carrier while resupplying at sea somewhere in the Med. Fortunately, no one was injured or aboard the jet in this $65,000,000 failed JOB. Apparent wind anyone? The TRUMAN is capable of speeds in excess of 35 knots. Ask Tiger Beetle.

Congrats Jackie!
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Yaaay! I love ice cream! Thanks, Skip!

Lost my anchor and 30' of chain to a tree. A log? No. A submerged tree 18" around. Boat US came out, tried mightily to dislodge it, ended up cutting the line, leaving a blue float. PM me for the coordinates. Hint: It's in Miner Slough.
Yaaay! I love ice cream! Thanks, Skip!

Lost my anchor and 30' of chain to a tree. A log? No. A submerged tree 18" around. Boat US came out, tried mightily to dislodge it, ended up cutting the line, leaving a blue float. PM me for the coordinates. Hint: It's in Miner Slough.

In the 13 tons of trash recently removed from Lake Tahoe by scuba teams were 127 anchors. I've only lost one, that to a '56 Chevy we hooked with the SC-70 MIRAGE off Avila Pier while doing a delivery north. With four crew manning the two coffee grinder winches we got the muddy hulk to the surface despite the bow going down about 18". With no hope of freeing the anchor from the Chevy's underbody, we took a knife to the Goldbraid anchor rode.
That's alot of anchors! Mine is only 9' down. I wonder how far down those divers went in Tahoe? That's a very deep lake.

Amazingly, as I sailed down the Sacramento deep water channel toward Delta Marina here in Rio Vista, I received a text from my friend, Kees. He's selling his boat, wanted to know if I want his anchor? He's coming to visit Wednesday from Oxford, Mississippi Wed, will check it with his luggage!

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About 40 years ago my family and I were anchored overnight in Hospital Cove at Angel Island (before the State Parks folks got things organized). Sunday afternoon a large cruising sailboat anchored near Pt. Ione had trouble getting its anchor up. Finally they cut the rode and motored off. I never knew so many sailboats carried SCUBA gear! At least half a dozen divers were in the water within 10 minutes. A fender got attached to the bitter end of the rode and a few minutes later the anchor was hoisted into an inflatable and rowed over to another large cruising boat. I've often wondered if the two boats knew each other and anchor was returned to its rightful owner or did the Law of the Sea prevail and another boat have a spare.
5th anniversary yesterday of my ocean paddling friend who was capsized and thrown from his kayak 1/4 mile off Steamer Lane by a "Bruce." Steve had the presence of mind to call for assistance on his VHF, and the Harbor patrol pulled him from the water 20 minutes later. Bruce did not reappear, presumably not fond of the kevlar and carbon fiber shreds in his teeth.

Yesterday's paddle rhumbline took me by a familar friend wrapped in kelp. I know this particular elder otter due to his white head. We exchange glances, and get on with our day.


Other things in the ocean: yesterday morning M/V PYEWACKET, leading the Pac Cup by 500 miles, had to do two back-downs to clear plastic and floating rope that was too tough to cut through with their extra sharp, leading edge knife in the keel fin.

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OK, Hotshots. Attached are 3 photos of the new IMOCA scow bow CHARAL. Look closely, what on this other worldy boat was designed and first used to good effect 60 years ago? No, not the bow, hydrofoils, kick-up rudders or recessed Garski beer can holders.




Last evening, CBC galley had to substitute Marianne's Peach Icecream for PJ's prize. Seems Macapuno is OS at local supply outlets. For extra credit on the above CHARAL trivia, who first invented Peach Ice Cream:
1. George and Martha Washington. 2. Abe Lincoln 3. Gustave Eiffel 4. Sonny Barger 5. Marianne Faithful 6. Ants Uiga's grandfather.
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First of all, I've gotta say that I can just see Philippe sitting there at your table/counter eating bowl after bowl of ice cream. Shortly after he won the SHTP Synthia, Brian, PJ, Lee Roper and I all walked up from the Little Yellow House to Hanalei Town and I bought him coconut ice cream. I love Hanalei Bay for memories like those.

Oh yes. The trivia: My guess is George and Martha Washington. Gustave Eiffel was the chef who invented peach melba. Is this really the same as peach ice cream?

Happy national peach ice cream day.
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Oh yes. The trivia: My guess is George and Martha Washington. Gustave Eiffel was the chef who invented peach melba. Is this really the same as peach ice cream? Happy national peach ice cream day.

Leave it to Philpott to win extra credit by guessing correctly that George Washington cut down the cherry tree, but Martha invented peach icecream and credited her husband...However, with DAZZLER, SURPRISE, TORTUGA, EYRIE, KYNNTANA, and others out of town on extended passages, the answer to what on CHARAL is 60 years old remains the prize, and should be be easy pickings for someone sitting in the back of the room.

While on the passage thing, congrats to Charles Casey on Cal-40 RIFF RIDER on winning the recent Long Pac. Hint: Cal 40's and CHARAL have this one thing in common.
Oh, I'm gonna get fat at your house. Bring. It. On.

You didn't win anything with the extra credit without answering the CHARAL trivia. PS, Though I am the caretaker and Howard is the Port Captain, CBC is not my house and is open to members and visitors alike.
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I'd have to guess it's the folding propeller.
Tom K.

Bingo, Tom! Before Walter Beck and his Martec company came out with folding props for the masses in ~1964, boats with auxiliaries were much slower under sail, up to 15%, dragging their solid props. The prop on CHARAL looks like a Martec or similar...
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Last evening, CBC galley had to substitute Marianne's Peach Icecream for PJ's prize. Seems Macapuno is OS at local supply outlets. For extra credit on the above CHARAL trivia, who first invented Peach Ice Cream:
1. George and Martha Washington. 2. Abe Lincoln 3. Gustave Eiffel 4. Sonny Barger 5. Marianne Faithful 6. Ants Uiga's grandfather.[/QUOTE]

Now that the question has been answered, a few details about Joosep Uiga can be safely posted without influencing the outcome. Joosep was born 1884 and died 1954. Even though Joosep was alive after I was born, there was no travel between USA and Communist occupied Estonia. There may have been ice cream at the Tsar’s summer home in Estonia ( up to the time of the Bolshevik revolution), but my grandparents would never have been close to the kitchens were it was made or served.

Joosep’s father benefitted from the Tsar’s decree that abolished serfdom, but the Baltic Germans that were the lords of the area were fickle in implementing the end of serfdom.
