Well done!!
Congratulations !
Congratulations !
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Cheers - SSS Technical InfrastructureIt was a total blast to watch from a nearby Boston Whaler (huge thanks Jim and Ashley)!! I am SO proud of you!!!!!!
Do some of the boats still fly assy spinnakers?
Above is the 110 Nationals 7th race finish as described in post #5056 on page 506. I've never posted a video. Would be interested if it can be opened. Credit to Ashley Tobin for the video
Drakes Bay Races. Congrats to OUTSIDER, BOTTLE ROCKET, CHANGABANG, and ARCADIA for sticking it out and finishing inside the 10 pm time limit, despite light and variable with limited viz.
Results? Pt. Reyes not always user friendly geography for the Inverness YC RC and friends to finish, or start a race. But again they met all challenges... and thanks to Milly and her team of Ben B., Chris L., Synthia P, Bill P, and others unnamed who assisted during the afternoon, late into the evening, and again this morning.
Results you say? They will come...First, what happened to the results while our heroes were on station? There may be more than one correct answer.
1) Synthia's dog Rreveur ate them 2) they were accidentally burned while starting a small BBQ outside Ben's lean-to shelter east of the Chimney Rock trail. 3) they accidentally blew away in the fresh southerly and scattered to the wind, down the hill, and into the poison oak. 4) A can of epoxy accidentally tipped over in the back of the truck enroute to the Chimney Rock parking lot, soaking the satchel and pages in stickiness. 5) In the dark, finish times were entered, but not always in the correct columns. 6) Jibeset's multiple entry passwords were misplaced..7) Results were delayed while an unreported boat was located, her skipper happily baking sticky buns in the warmth of the cabin while at anchor.
The Ouija Board was dusted off to sort out the options. It showed options 1, 3, and 4 were likely answers. Thanks to the race committee. Wish I was there!
1) Synthia's dog Rreveur ate them 2) they were accidentally burned while starting a small BBQ outside Ben's lean-to shelter east of the Chimney Rock trail. 3) they accidentally blew away in the fresh southerly and scattered to the wind, down the hill, and into the poison oak. 4) A can of epoxy accidentally tipped over in the back of the truck enroute to the Chimney Rock parking lot, soaking the satchel and pages in stickiness. 5) In the dark, finish times were entered, but not always in the correct columns. 6) Jibeset's multiple entry passwords were misplaced..7) Results were delayed while an unreported boat was located, her skipper happily baking sticky buns in the warmth of the cabin while at anchor. 8) Sailing Instructions stated the finish cutoff deadline for Saturday's Leg 1 to Drake's Bay was 9 pm Sunday.