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Cheers - SSS Technical InfrastructureWhat's the best anchor for my boat? Once this post reaches the search engines, clip in and hang on!.
Finally, our favorite marine retail store has a polished stainless steel ROCNA on their website for a mere $34,499. It weighs 606# so it might be a tad large for Surprise!'s anchor roller, but it's on my Secret Santa list.
Are we there yet? No, of course we're not there yet. All those insomniac sailors on the other side of the world are gonna get that book, I just know it. Of course Skip can't just sell it on Amazon like a normal writer. Oh no, he puts it on this forum where somebody he doesn't even know will win it. ka ray zee.
What is the best knot to tie old batteries together?
I had a copy of that very book, but in a discussion with one of the authors, He asked me to give it back, when I admitted that the last time I read it was 40 years ago! I got Tea and cookies but no Macapuno!?