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New Boat 4 Sled

7262 Watching ... I would like that book. I'm in between projects. My colored pencils are right here ...

Sailing on WILDFLOWER8.jpg

I just spoke Robert the Bear on WILDFLOWER on 40 meters. He's a ham, N6NEN. I mentioned Philpott's offer to color their adventure with pencils and he and George were most enthusiastic.

Locally on the beach, sub-adults are building driftwood structures, driving City fathers crazy. It seems if young Johnny is in one when it collapses, the City can be held liable and sued for injury...

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Seriously, I'm sitting here doing taxes, so this site is a welcome distraction. And so would be choosing colors for George and Robert. So many colors of green in nature..... Maybe different colored green according to the ocean and/or sky? Ah, I need more pencils ...

colored pencils.jpg
That's very sad. I used to do taxes.
I'm glad though to see that Robert learned about always looking at the sail you're trimming.

Sailing on WILDFLOWER9.jpg

Bamba-genesis here at CBC...Not a Bob Marley song, we got 6 mb drop in 5 hours on the recording barometer.
Here is the graph from RYC's weather station:


The rain gauge has been busted since last Fall. Starting tomorrow I'll be official and I can start nagging about this stuff.
I, for one, have no intention of depriving Philpott of her book. I just hope she doesn't stay up all night clicking the refresh button.
This afternoon's weather brought local activity. Soquel Creek became a raging river and flooded downtown Soquel, first time in 40 years.. Where the river met the ocean, Capitola Main Beach was scoured away and a giant log jam created from debris. Further east, 15 feet of Grand Ave. fossil cliff broke off taking out a section of path. And a 100' eucalyptus went over, landing on two cars and taking down the power line on Escalona Ave.

Soquel Creek.jpg

Soquel Creek2.jpg
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Wow Skip ! Very serious stuff ! As far as I know, we got lucky here in Inverness- I have not heard of any real damage, or road closures, despite 6" of rain.
Planet Earth.jpg

Photo of the Pale Blue Dot, center right, taken from the outer solar system by Voyager 1 in 1990. Today, our rock starts another orbit around its parent star for ~the 5 billionth time, spinning over 350 times each circumnavigation. Happy New Year and Good Sailing to all the inhabitants of the rock we call Earth. ~sleddog, George and Robert, and all the enclave here at CBC.
Thanks, Skip! Happy New Year 2023 to you, too. I write from that Pale Blue Dot, in north Oakland. Leave it to you, to put us all into perspective.

Here's my view, from north Oakland, with the Oakland Children's Hospital peaking over the rooftops in the distance. I wish you all the best in the coming year, and look forward to seeing all my sailing friends in the coming months.


What do other people see out their windows on this the first day of 2023?

The rainclouds are hiding the mountains in the distance. Snow is prevalent above 5,000 feet (we are 2,500 feet elevation). However, a nice New Year’s drive up the river into the mountains showed gorgeous clouds, glistening rocks and trees, a good dump of boulders onto the roadway. The plow is used for rocks more than snow.

Happy New Year to All!

Super nice that you got to go sailing today Bob !I was BSing with fellow 110ers at the IYC Gin Fizz party. I am proud that my father was Navigator of Voyager I . It is still going and sending back data from deep space.