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New Boat 4 Sled

It's been pretty quiet. To see if anyone is awake, I offer a quiz with ice cream prize. You must guess both photos correctly to win. One try only/24 hours.

1) What class boat is this leaving Inverness YC yesterday for her new home in FLA
2) What famous man made surfing spot in Orange County, CA., with an instantly recognizable name, did this become after the 1920 aerial photo?

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(Good thing I took a break from yard chores….)

1. Sad to see a 110 class boat head to FL. Hopefully, a new fleet is breeding.
2. The Wedge was created when the breakwater for Newport Beach Harbor was built.

If any of these answers are incorrect, then half-awake status is rightly conferred.

Damn it, Ants! I just came in from trimming my roses and you've grabbed the headlines. I grew up in Orange County! I finally knew the answers! I want my Macapuno! Skip, when you come up to give the weather report at the SHTP skippers' meeting on the 24th will you bring me some? Remember when you rode your bike over to the Santa Cruz harbor that time when I arrived aboard Dura Mater? You brought me every left over in your fridge: cold pizza, potato salad and even, if I recall correctly, some slightly melted macapuno. Then we analyzed the way I almost wiped out DM's rig trying to gybe @ Davenport.

"That's not the place to gybe slowly, Jackie! Davenport is where wind LIVES!"

I'm sure the sailors on 062423 @ RYC will listen just as avidly. If they know what's good for them.

As I recall, you even made me eat the leftovers before I could have my ice cream.
The boat is a Zephyr, the 110's smaller cousin. The pictured yellow boat has some keel damage but otherwise looked good, and it was listed for just $1,000. Somebody got a deal. Ralf Morgan had his Zephyr advertised recently for $8,500.

I wasn't a So-Cal surfer so I'll leave that guess to Jackie and Ants. Re Davenport, due to an override on the spinny sheet we did a decent job of screwing a 41' J/125 into the ocean off Davenport.

Whales is heading behind Banks Island. Not sure I agree with that but I'm not driving.
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(Good thing I took a break from yard chores….)
1. Sad to see a 110 class boat head to FL. Hopefully, a new fleet is breeding.
2. The Wedge was created when the breakwater for Newport Beach Harbor was built.
If any of these answers are incorrect, then half-awake status is rightly conferred.

Sorry Ants, one of your answers is incorrect. Jackie: if you knew the answers, why didn't you say so? BobJ only guessed one answer and left out the second. So everyone who hasn't yet guessed, the icecream prize is still up for grabs as no one has yet answered both photos correctly.
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Whales is heading behind Banks Island. Not sure I agree with that but I'm not driving..

At 5 pm WHALES is making progress, 5-6 knots, inside Banks Island. DOGSMILES is about 55 miles astern, headed inside Aristazabal Island, up Laredo Channel. WHALES had a choice and went inside Banks Island via Otter Channel, and now is short tacking up the narrow (1-1.5 mile wide) Principe Channel. Talk about a scenic route! Banks Island/Principe Channel are 37 miles long and there is only one satisfactory refuge, Buchan Inlet, about halfway up Principe, on the west side of Pitt Island. My guess that WHALES would be conservative and stay outside in Hecate Straits was wrong. Now they are committed, engineless, in close quarters with land on both sides. Unless they anchor before dark, they are going to be short tacking inside Principe Channel in blackness. I agree with BobJ that this may be a questionable move by WHALES, the leading boat by a lot.
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Sorry Ants, one of your answers is incorrect. Jackie: if you knew the answers, why didn't you say so? BobJ only guessed one answer and left out the second.

We've formed a syndicate and plan to split the winnings. Not very SSS-like but there 'ya go.
I remember seeing Grey Wolf in Martha's Vineyard years ago. What an impressive boat! Instant Roger Martin fan. Still looks good I think.
I wonder what kind of engine they had to remove.
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BRAKE4WHALES did an interesting thing early this morning and backtracked 5 miles to enter Beaver Passage and Ogden Channel, their only option north that keeps them out of Hecate Strait as they cross Dixon Entrance. Smart move on their part, as Hecate reports are NW 25, gusting 40. WHALES now under 100 miles at 7 a.m.
Second place DOGSMILE holed up last night in Dillion Bay, at the south end of Pitt Island. Dillion Bay has excellent protection, and DOGSMILE is in a good spot to wait out the weather.. They want those steak knives!
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DOGSMILE holed up last night in Dillion Bay, at the south end of Pitt Island. Dillion Bay has excellent protection, and DOGSMILE is in a good spot to wait out the weather. They want those steak knives!

A good lesson for all of us: If you want to win the race (or the steak knives), you need to finish. It’s all about really good prep, and DON’T BREAK THE BOAT!

I wonder about this year’s attrition rate due to breakdowns as compared to prior years?
A good lesson for all of us: If you want to win the race (or the steak knives), you need to finish. It’s all about really good prep, and DON’T BREAK THE BOAT! I wonder about this year’s attrition rate due to breakdowns as compared to prior years?

You would think. But good prep hard to come by. Neither TRES EQUIS nor MOJO, both with good sailors aboard, were not ready nor had done shakedowns..Reasons abound
That race seems to me to be potentially more treacherous than sailing to Kauai. This written by someone who would not do either. I am surprised that the R2AK organizers don't require a shakedown. But hey! Those lunatics still think of themselves as non arbiters of the Wild Wild West. Our race seems staid and well considered by comparison.
Interesting… DOGSMILE is going up the Grenville Channel which tends to be a funnel for NW wind. Looks like torture.
Here is a photo I took in Grenville Channel in June a few years ago on a calm day. And yes, this is a color photo.

Interesting… DOGSMILE is going up the Grenville Channel which tends to be a funnel for NW wind. Looks like torture.

+1. IMO DOGSMILE may have put their steak knives in jeopardy by choosing Grenville Channel. Grenville Channel is a canyon. The wind blows either up channel or down. Today and tomorrow it will be blowing down channel/on the nose. The wind constantly shifts to align with the channel to be on the nose, making short tacking the name of the game and greatly increasing distance. Maybe OK for 8 meters, boats with self tacking jibs, or rowers. But no bueno for multi-hulls with wide tacking angles, minimum momentum, and vulnerable blades like DIGSMILE. As well, Grenville is narrowed by traffic, especially cruise ships and tugs pulling big barges.

Meanwhile, J-29 UNFINISHED BUSINESS, in 4th place, is going to try something radical for a keel boat drawing 5'8". They are going to take the shortcut through Higgins Pass at the top of Price Island. If successful, it will save considerable mileage as well as emptying them into protected Laredo Channel. The caveat is Higgins drys at low water, and even kayaks have to portage. How to get a J-29 through? They must plan on heeling the boat on its side with half the crew hanging off the mast, the other half wading with a towline. Should be good.

The red line is the short cut on the Higgins short cut..MAIL ORDER BRIDE, a small tri, went through that way at half tide with its owner swimming and wading a towline. If UNFINISHED BUSINESS hangs up, they will be there a while.
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A good lesson for all of us: If you want to win the race (or the steak knives), you need to finish. It’s all about really good prep, and DON’T BREAK THE BOAT! QUOTE]

DOGSMILE broke (bulkhead) beating up Grenville and has retired, heading back to Bella Bella for options. BUDGIE is anchored and not budging. UNFINISHED BUSINESS is either lost in their Higgins Pass shortcut, or waiting for a high tide to get through. "Their is no second." If PESTOU doesn't watch out, Eric could win the steak knives. Wind will turn south tomorrow (Wednesday) evening and he will blast north up Hecate Straits in increasing southerly 20-25, well rested.
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Go PESTOU! Eric (the singlehanded sailor) is underway and going for the steak knives.
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