Though I hope SHARK On BLUEGRASS checks in with a report, my understanding was he was not a happy camper with the O-25 at the end of his SHTP. Hope I'm wrong, but I do note that SHARK is no longer on the PHRF rollcall. Have you considered a Wylie Hawkfarm? I know a good one available that has an excellent track record in races to Hawaii, including SHTP and Pac Cup. As well, it has an upgraded rudder, making losing steering control under spinny much less likely.
The advantage of a Hawkfarm over an O-25 is it's more competitive in a Transpac. This is because it can be sailed closer to optimum efficiency more of the time than a more squirrely O-25. As well, for the Hawaiian channels, it's more bombproof. I know, I built them. My own boat of 33 years was the Hawkfarm prototype. Together we won both the SHTP and PacCup overall. It steered so well I could never get the boat to broach, even with the pole on the headstay in 20 knots.
Would be happy to chat. I've been coaching Hawaii racers for some years.. PS, you can check out the shipping cost with Todd, who just shipped his O-29 home. You gotta add in the boatyard and land transport cost, Matson never gave him a quote, The shipping cost is based on the volume of the formula LxWxH, including the trailer height and length. For example if your O-25 overhangs the trailer by 5 feet aft and underhangs by3 feet forward, you will be charged for an overall length of 33 feet. Likewise, if the keel is a foot off the ground when on the trailer, the "H" is increased by a foot. No, the mast is usually not measured.