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R2ak 2019

Come on OLD FART - enough with the beauty sleep. The competition is half way across the strait!

Update: Only 4 miles to go but down to 1.3 knots - that's not enough to make the 1700 cutoff. Go the OLD FART!
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So here is a view of the fleet from the fifth floor of the Empress Hotel, overlooking the Vancouver inner harbor.

IMG-5563 (1).JPG

I called up the concierge, Wendy, and asked if Wifi costs extra. She said, "yes, shall I walk you through the process of connecting?" Well, I already had the code for the wifi available to the sailors down in the harbor, but it wasn't good enough this high up ;-) So I said, "No, I just wanted to know if it cost extra. I can go sit on one of the boats downstairs and use it for free."

Wendy didn't miss a beat.
"Here's a complimentary code. Let me walk you through that." Now that's what I call customer service. There's a biplane landing on the water, delivering someone to the hotel. Nathalie is coming upstairs to use the shower. Lots of big fluffy towels on the Fifth Floor. She texted: "Will they let me in wearing my gear?" haha. This ain't the St Fancy. Of course they'll let her in. They let me in, didn't they?
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Here are the McGuffin Brothers Racing on their J24. You can read all about them on the R2AK site. They've been here and done this before. Lovely smiles, eh? They remind me of a pack of wolf pups.

McGuffin Brothers final.jpg

and in the distance now I see two tiny boats entering the harbor, just as a vastly huge vessel heads toward them with the ability to crush their tiny hulls...
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Bob, I see a tiny little boat coming this way. Maybe your friends? What does the tracker say?

That's team BACKWARDS AF. Team FUNKY DORY is just around the corner - they'll be the last ones in before the cutoff.

The tracker says team OLD FART is on shore again, 4 miles away. Maybe his misc. Hobie parts came apart. Bummer.
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My aren't you staying in the fancy digs! You should sleep in one of the kayaks to get the full-orbed experience of it all.

Say hey to Nat, for all of us couch potatoes and working stiffs.
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I've got video of two singlehanders in this race: Shawn Dunand, who is the #1 salesman in Canada of boats 35' - 180'.

Shawn's boat 3.JPG

He is VERY pleasant and if I ever buy a boat bigger than Dura Mater I'll come up this way to buy it from him. He is also the skipper of a Malcolm Tennant Streaker. What's that? It's a 24' multihull and its hull got cracked coming up from Port Townsend. Here are friends standing at the aft port corner while he tries to see what needs doing.
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Here is Victoria Harbor as darkness falls. Lots of people sleeping on their boats, most of the lights out already as far as I can see from here.

night Vancouver.jpg

Tomorrow is the last day to tweak the boats before the big push off to Ketchikan.
The lights are out because they're all at the Racer Party, down the street and around the corner at the Presbyterian church:

Racer Party.jpg

These are SAILORS after all!

"7pm dinner is $35 for non-racers. 8pm party is free for all. Get to the church on time!"
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The continuing saga of Team Soggykru, the 24' Malcom Tennant Streaker skippered by singlehander Shawn Dunand. Yes, I have a video of him sleeping on his boat in Port Townsend days ago, and then being interviewed when I woke him up: "Hey! You! Wake up!" You'll love it, he's so laid back. But my editing software is back in Oakland, so you'll have to wait.

In the meantime, Shawn is mildly stressed today.

Shawn and friend.jpg

Somehow on the ride up here to Victoria Shawn Dumand's catamaran got bashed and he arrived with a damaged ama. So he spent most of yesterday stuffing huge rubber bladders under the entire starboard length of his boat. Then he and a friend inflated the bladders with air and up the side of the boat came. Then down again when the bladders either popped out or became punctured. Over and over again.

Russell Brown under Shawn's cat.jpg

Russell Brown paddled over in one of his nesting dinghies and assisted for awhile until it was time to go to the skippers' meeting. It was one of those classic boat experiences, the kind where people put their heads together and attempt to problem solve. Shawn needed to get the ama off the water long enough to dry it out so he can patch the fiberglass.


Today is a new day, and it is clear that Shawn, who is based in B.C. , has called upon friends. And the cavalry has arrived. I can see people swarming around his boat from here. A singlehander needs friends and it is clear that Shawn has 'em in spades.
Spoke with the crew of LOLA again yesterday, on the dock before they got invited aboard Envolee to see what was what.

"How did it go on the way up here?" I asked.
"Did you have fun?" I asked
"Yeah, it was fun."
"Were there any issues?" I asked.
They looked at each other, shifty-eyed. "Well, there were some tuning issues." I waited them out.
"We got them figured out." Then they grinned. "On one side. While under way. But that was okay, because we were on the same tack the whole race."

I pitched the Singlehanded Transpacific Yacht Race to them. We'll see. They are old enough to drink in Canada, but not in California. Maybe that new law will pass.
The drama continues with Shawn's boat, Pteradactyl. Here he is in the ama, what on Dura Mater would be called a lazarette, mixing up the medicine to repair the damage to his hull.

Shawn in the lazarette.jpg

Ooohh. Black carbon fiber. Where'd you get that?

"From Russell." Of course. No need to worry. The master is here, grasshopper.

Shawn and Russell 2.jpg
And Nathalie has somehow jumped the line, moving from an interior spot to a place at the end of the dock, where Envolee won't be blocked in tomorrow morning. And while everyone else is starting to relax for the night, making dinner plans or just slowing down, here is Team Shut up and Drive bicycling around the harbor.

Nathalie practicing.jpg

Just for fun? I think not. I think she is one crazy like a fox girl.
And what of the videos to come from Port Townsend and Victoria?

Yankee Peddlers, Pteradactyl, Pear Shaped Racing, Razzle Dazzle, SoggyKru, Trickster, Funky Dory and another one, a secret. Soon. Very soon. However, now is time for one of those lavendar gin drinks in the Q Bar downstairs off the veranda.
Here in Victoria the day dawns with a very small breeze and bits of light blue sky interspersed with layers of clouds. Randall would know what kind of clouds they are, but I don't. What I do see are darker ones in the distance. Lions and Tigers and Bears! Oh my!

Morning of the race.jpg

Nor do I know the forecast, but Skip will know. Gotta go now to wish everyone goodbye and good luck. See if Shawn's boat is watertight. It looks like it has been lowered to the water. The other day Yankee Peddlers' oatmeal packets were laying out to dry in the cockpit. I noticed that my red vines donation ("considered a rare delicacy among sailors I know") were not in evidence.

Gotta check out of this room with a view soon, and then down to the docks. I'll videotape the start and then get on the ferry back to Port Angeles, then back home to the Bay Area. This morning I am impressed again by Nathalie. Why? Because of this text exchange:

Me: "How did you manage to snag that primo spot at the dock? GOOD JOB!l"
Nat: "Hehe - we have some pedal driven tours. Strategic ;-) All part of the plan"

She's a devious one. I'm so proud of her. I know you are, too.
You wouldn't see this in the 3BF: TEAM OARCLE, with Ian and Janis (Olympic rower) were bedeviled in the crossing from PT to Victoria. Having done all the previous R2AKs, wisdom prevailed and they pulled their double kayak in to camp on Dungeness Spit in the first afternoon's half gale.

Setting off the next morning, OARACLE again met trying conditions and made it to shore, but 3 miles short of the finish line. You can't stop this team. With less than an hour to go, and in the best kind of R2AK spirit, Team Oaracle fought to the end by exploiting the portage loophole. They threw their kayak on a dolly and ran with it for the few miles between where they landed and the finish line. Having mapped out the shortest route from A to B they pushed their double kayak across the greens of the city golf course, down crowded Victoria city streets, and arrived at the dockside finish line inside of the rules, but 15 minutes outside of the time limit. Since the real finish bell had already been removed, they rang an imaginary bell, and walked through the doors of the racer party to a rousing round of applause.

Team Oaracle.jpg
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