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Sailing Tomorrow

Redsky's excuses (Jackie)

What's the sched?

I'll be working on my speedo (actually S!'s speedo) but if I get it working I'd be down.

Yes Jackie, I have an aversion to going sailing when I have to run the motor all day. It seems so not like sailing.

However, I am planning to sail today. Installing some new AP software to test. BTW - you have a very old version of SW in the unit on your boat. Free upgrades this week only.

I'm back down south, but planning to head out from Oceanside this afternoon and stay out overnight to stress test the electrical system, since I'll be doing this starting next month to get up to Marina del Rey for PSSA races. We should have pretty good wind, and it's supposed to be warmer than the last couple of nights which have been nasty cold.
I'm back down south, but planning to head out from Oceanside this afternoon and stay out overnight to stress test the electrical system, since I'll be doing this starting next month to get up to Marina del Rey for PSSA races. We should have pretty good wind, and it's supposed to be warmer than the last couple of nights which have been nasty cold.

Oh, Max! We miss you.
BTW - you have a very old version of SW in the unit on your boat. Free upgrades this week only.


Dianne and Dura Mater are headed to Sam’s. Not such a long motoring trip for us from Richmond. Is that an invitation down to Brisbane later this week? North winds make for a nice long spinnaker run.
Yes Jackie, I have an aversion to going sailing when I have to run the motor all day. It seems so not like sailing. Brian

Okay, Brian. You were right. There wasn’t much wind. But for a brief moment in time it gusted to 5 knots, which is when this photo was taken. After that? Not so much.


But it was another beautiful day, and there was a surprising number of boats out there floating around.

I arrived at the Richmond harbor to find Steve Katzman laying in Dianne’s cockpit reading a spy novel in the sunshine. He was hungry.
“Let’s go to Sam’s. I filled my outboard with gas.” Oh ye of little faith. On the way to Dura Mater on E Dock I met up with Chris Case.
“Come with us to Sam’s?” No. Chris was working on his autopilot. From the sound of drills and sanders, it was obvious that he wasn’t the only one working on his boat.

Bob Johnston came ambling over. Connie had asked if his new boat had a working head, which suggested that she might be interested in sailing on Surprise! one day. Of course he lied and told her “yes”, his new sailboat had a working head. So Bob was on his way to buy “head hose”.

I rigged Dura Mater and on our way out we passed Al Germain, standing next to Bandicoot on D dock and smiling.

“Hi, Al! Coming out to sail?” No. Al was working on his boat. Doing something. Does it matter? It was that kind of day.

Motored out into the Reach and raised the bumble bee, which enabled us to tack back and forth, back and forth, never quite making it into the bay proper. There were lots of little boats out there doing the same thing: Not much of anything but enjoying the sunshine and being on the water. This beauty passed by, motoring slowly.


Steve K is a pretty good sport, and Dianne is a light boat. He circled back around DM reminding me that he was still hungry. So I threw him a nectarine, kept the almonds to myself.

By this time the flood had started and there was no hope of exiting the Reach without an engine, so I turned on the Engine By Dave and we entered The Bay. I raised my spinnaker and – amazingly – it filled. For about twenty minutes we sailed along toward Berkeley, which was not the way to Sam’s at all. Dianne kept pace, circling DM a couple of times, Steve reminding me that he was still hungry. He has never sailed to Sam’s !!!

Steve K on Dianne.jpg

I called over to him: “You can’t motor to Sam’s the first time! Sam’s is best approached by sail! We’ll have to go another day.”

He conceded the point and lay down in the cockpit to read his novel again as his boat slowly floated alongside DM on the glass. I made coffee and drank it and then I took down the spinnaker because, I admit, it was sagging against the spreaders.

On the way back in, Tony Bourque texted me that he had left a gift for me in Now & Zen’s cockpit, over there on the other side of FUGU. A jar of honey from the bees he maintains on the upper deck of his huge Berkeley brown shingle. Thank you, Tony! Wonder where it got the name Baloo’s honey? That’s a trivia question for the reader here.


Sitting in Steve’s cockpit, tied up to the end of E Dock, we wondered whether bees in Berkeley pollinated pot plants. We ate teaspoons of the stuff and were hopeful. I don't know about Steve, but I didn’t get high at all.

As the sun set I drove out of the yard, passing Chris and Rick Elkins chatting by the clubhouse. Richmond Yacht Club is SSS Central. Its motto is “This Club was built for fun”. Which is good if you like that sort of thing.
Jackie, RYC is definitely an SSS Club. Gordie was also around and Al & I just sponsored Tom Patterson and Sue Estey.

I got tired of towing Koke Honu down so she is now in the dry yard ready to splash on a moments notice...4131CCB9-4DDE-4540-927A-3A824B97C831.jpeg

Great report and nice photos. We, Phillipe and I, tried to get out today, and there was wind ! Winds piped up to about 15. Unfortunately, due a switch left on for a long period, my boats little diesel would not start. On went the charger, and Phillipe headed for Tahoe in search of a different weather view. I will be out on the 1 st, maybe we will have wind ?

Great to hear Richmond YC is becoming the home for SSS members. If only Bart would tunnel from San Jose to Richmond I would rejoin the club.

"Wonder where it got the name Baloo’s honey? That’s a trivia question for the reader here."

Baloo was the big ol' bear in "The Jungle Book." And bears like honey.
Sitting in Steve’s cockpit, tied up to the end of E Dock, we wondered whether bees in Berkeley pollinated pot plants. We ate teaspoons of the stuff and were hopeful. I don't know about Steve, but I didn’t get high at all.

I didn't get high from the honey but it is delicious. I got high from a wonderful light air day, warm and sunny. E-dock at RYC is a focal point for SSS. Much messing around with boats and the feeling of a common enterprise.

Tied up at the end of E-dock stern to the south with a framed view of the Bay Bridge, the ships and tugs and pleasure craft on the Port Potrero Reach, is heaven. Jackie made it even better with a cup of coffee. Thanks for a fine day.
Jackie, RYC is definitely an SSS Club. Gordie was also around and Al & I just sponsored Tom Patterson and Sue Estey.
I got tired of towing Koke Honu down so she is now in the dry yard ready to splash on a moments notice...

Hey, Rick. It is always nice to see you down at the end of D Dock, piddling around preparing that pretty new boat of yours for a race. Actually, Steve and I watched Gordie and Buzz Blackett sailing around like eight year olds on their El Toros, circling the green buoy just off the seawall. Maybe Tom and Sue will do some of the SSS races this year (although Tom is pretty competitive and that new boat of theirs is meant for leasure, I think).
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Maybe Tom and Sue will do some of the SSS races this year (although Tom is pretty competitive and that new boat of theirs is meant for leasure, I think).

Tom is thinking about SSS races in 2019 but is frustrated PHRF rated CLOUD at 114 the same as a Cal40. That makes it hard to compete.
Sat looks like good TBF race practice weather, light to no wind. I will be practicing keeping the spin flying, in any competition?
At noon in Oakland the sky looked like it might be clearing up, so I got in the car and headed for the marina. The closer I got, the darker the sky got. By the time I arrived it was raining hard, so I sat in the car and listened to Roy Orbison while I ate my lunch. When it stopped raining I went on down to Dura Mater, where I settled in for a cuppa and inventoried my small electrical devices. The garmin uses AAs, the lantern uses Ds, my headlamp uses AAAs, the Pelican flashlight C's etc etc. Every single one uses a different size battery, which means I'll have to buy a separate charger for the bigger batteries.

There I was, cozy as a bug in a rug when I heard a tap tap tap on the cabin. Outside was a geeky kid with a wagon full of toys, standing in the rain with the water dripping off his hood and fogging his glasses. Wait a minute! It wasn't a geeky little kid. It was Bob J. with his brand new jib from Northsails.

Bob 2.JPG

So that was settled. The battery dilemma was put off for another rainy day, and instead I went out into the rain and helped him put it on.

Bob 1.JPG

Figuring out how to attach the battens was a bit complicated, but after that it went right up the way it was supposed to. I left him as it was getting dark. He said he was going to raise it and lower it a couple more times, just because he could.

Bob 3.JPG

Since it may be raining on Sunday, I bought myself some insurance and asked Steve Katzman if I could join him and his crew aboard Dianne in tomorrow's Midwinters. He said, "yes, you will be in charge of the twingers". I looked up twingers and watched a few utubes. Bob says that being in charge of twingers is a nice way of saying that I just have to stay out of everybody's way and let them do their thing, which is to continue winning.

I do know that Ragtime! will be on the water, rain or shine.
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What fun, new sails. If winds permit Redsky will ride the southerly's into the BYC area and watch the race unfold.
I agree with Tom. NorCal PHRF 114 for CLOUD is way out of whack. In New England PHRF it would be 192.

The afore mentioned Tom and Sue are back from the mighty/muddy Mississippi River: Memphis to NOLA on the steamboat AMERICAN QUEEN — a very different boating experience. As for the increasing SSS presence at RYC, we are grateful to our SSS/RYC sponsors Rick and Al, plus Stan R. And Janet T. We look forward to seeing y’all there.

And, as for racing CLOUD in 2019... we will see. I will probably attempt to get a [more reasonable?] PHRF rating, but probably not until after 3BF. I’m fully aware that the answer isn’t to to just complain about it. When I made the initial application, I included photos, a sail plan and copies of the PHRF certificates from New England (192) and Florida (198) for a similar sistership. I was very surprised at the result. If I want it changed, I need to appeal to the PHRF committee with data.

Sailed today as crew and had a nice time because of the company. However I have to admit that it was cold and ... okay, it was drizzly. Even rainy.

But tomorrow? I'm going to be optimistic and choose to believe that there is only a 40% chance of rain and enough wind to get around on the water. Sailing tomorrow, going over to Pier 1 1/2. Anybody interested in meeting up? Leaving Richmond by 11 am. See you there?
I just worked six days in a row - I'm IN! Does anyone want to sail aboard Surprise! down to Pier 1.5 and back? Send me an e-mail so I know you're coming: BobsailsSF at yahoo.com

"There's no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing."
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Just a fine sail today, interrupted by a high-brow lunch at a restaurant in the Ferry Building. Kynntana came along after lunch - nice to see her back under sail.
