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Sailing Tomorrow

A fine display of self-sufficiency! The bow at the end was well appreciated!

Thanks for the heads-up, sleddog!

Nice work Jackie! Morro Bay looks real nice this time of year...Any idea what type of racer/cruiser is tied up just in front of DM on the Morro Bay YC dock? Farr36? Happy Sailing Jackie!
Any idea what type of racer/cruiser is tied up just in front of DM on the Morro Bay YC dock? Farr36? Happy Sailing Jackie!

Thanks, Adam! It's a Farr 40. Tony bought it about 2.5 years ago from someone in the SF Harbor. He paid for the boat and was told, "Ok, now you've gotta leave." Which was okay, he says, because he and his wife live down here. He says the previous owner campaigned it in the SF Bay for a few years, then moved on.

Members of the Morro Bay YC can stay at the dock 2 days/month, and generally Tony keeps HighFive on a mooring. Very nice man. He turned me on to Mark Kennedy, a diesel mechanic who will come tomorrow morning to change DM's oil. When I change it with the oil extractor I am not able to get the bottom bit out, and that sludge in there can't be good for her.

I walked a mile to the Napa Auto Parts store up above the nice little downtown and scored not one but TWO oil filters. I had the Delo. Dura Mater's exhaust seemed a little more ... apparent than usual, so I promised her new oil. She takes such good care of me.

The light here is shimmery. Morro Bay at 6:53 am

Morro Bay 0653 am.jpg

At 7:09 am

Morro Bay 0709 am.jpg

The Morgan 45, with Barbara and Glenn aboard, is headed to Mexico. The Crealock, with Gary and his aunt, Chri, are returning to Monterey. Chri lives aboard a smaller Pacific Seacraft on the Georgia coast. She says there are a lot of bugs there. I believe her.

All the bigger boats are impeccably maintained. All three of the other boats at the dock here are impeccably maintained. DM and I are a little grubby by comparison. In fact, when we return to E Dock Mr Fugu's boat will be impeccably maintained, too. Like Howard's boat. Like Bob's boat. Like Tom's boat. Like Gene's boat. I have seen a preview of Chris's boat. Seafoam green, not red!!!###???
Though the tracker doesn't show it, DURA MATER reports a "raucous ride" 23 miles to Port San Luis Bay. Though I recommended picking up a mooring, she is anchored near Avila Pier, presumably trying her newish spade anchor.

My recommendation was based on an experience anchored off Avila Pier on a 1992 delivery of the Santa Cruz 70 MIRAGE from S.Cal home to Santa Cruz. We anchored overnight and early next morning got underway. Or did we? It seems the anchor wouldn't budge. We put all hands on the coffee grinder winch handles and slowly made headway on lifting the anchor while simultaneously submerging the bow downward about a foot.

The strain on the rode was significant as the anchor came up attached to the grille of a mudcaked '57 Chevy.
No way that was coming onboard. It took just a tap with a knife and the Chevy, with our good plow anchor still attached, disappeared into 40 feet of murky water.

Tomorrow early DM will depart Avila for Cojo Anchorage, in the lee of Pt. Conception.
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As of 1800, Dura Mater was tied up in a slip in the Santa Barbara harbor's high rent district. They probably came aboard and dropped a dye tablet in her Porta-Potty.

Hopefully we'll get an update shortly.
As of 1800, Dura Mater was tied up in a slip in the Santa Barbara harbor's high rent district. They probably came aboard and dropped a dye tablet in her Porta-Potty.

Hopefully we'll get an update shortly.

They have three separate “porta-pottie cleaning stations here! Guess they don’t want me dripping all that ... dye through the bathrooms.

None of that first class E dock wifi, though, so I’ll have to find some of that in order to tell you of my “three hour tour”. For a beer at the recently re-opened lower patio, from where does that quotecome?
...and Sherwood Schwartz. Glad you're safe and we look forward to "the tale of your fateful trip."
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...and Sherwood Schwartz. Glad you're safe and we look forward to "the tale of your fateful trip."

Excellent, gentlemen! I’m two beers down. Now I’m waiting for Mike Pyzel’s office to open. Hopefully I can sponge off his wifi. He doesn’t know I’m coming, so maybe a ruse? Am I looking for a surveyor for my potential Morgan 43, the one w the tub?
I wouldn't try that ruse if you're within earshot of DM. I was always careful about that with Rags.
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...waiting for the Pt. Concepcion tale with bated breath!

Beer. Hm... Now, that sounds like a good idea.
Have you been using your Navik?
Dura Mater and I were good at anchoring in the Delta ... where we were all alone. Anchoring in a small slash in the cliffs w seven other boats? A whole different kettle of fish. But here she is, in all her dignified grandeur: in Fry’s harbor, Santa Cruz Island.

Dura Mater straightened - Copy.jpg

Despite what others may tell you, my sprint phone service did not extend outside 5 nm out, so here we are eating sushi at the Santa Barbara marina. Again.

A sail slug came undone so we’re trying a beefy zip tie. And a small but obviously important littebit on the windvane has come undone again, so there is that to consider before bedtime. More important than a shower, I think. Because really? It’s only us.

Here’s what we saw just outside Frys Harbor. Cool if I had a better dinghy.
Back again


to Santa Cruz island tomorrow
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Great fun following this. Excellent pictures and report. Hope to be up there in the next week or so, isolating in such anchorages.
Great fun following this. Excellent pictures and report. Hope to be up there in the next week or so, isolating in such anchorages.

Thanks, Lee! I saw a beautiful boat, just like yours, tucked into Ladys Harbor. All I know is that it must have an obedient reverse gear, because there seemed to be mere feet between its hull and the cliffs on either side. Looked like it was a comfy fit.
No wind? No problem. Dura Mater and I are motorsailing over to Angel Island tomorrow, tucking into a slip, shooing away the sea lions and then hiking. Leave those boat projects for another day, bring your leftover pumpkin pie and c'mon out!
No punkin' pie left but this is stirring some interest. Google says the hike to the top of Mt. Livermore is "strenuous." Is that what you were thinking? Schedule?

I finally got the new alternator re-installed and it seems to be fine. Balmar never said what caused it to go bonkers - hopefully it won't do that again.