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Sailing Tomorrow

Sailing tomorrow/ Wednesday: I'm thinking that Sam's is a good bet, middle of the week, not perfect weather. Good to have friends to help position more than one boat, although when I arrive only w/Dura Mater it is usually easy enough. I'll monitor Channel 9 for anyone who is on the bay and decides to come.
I'm in for lunch on Wednesday. I'll probably get a guest dock at OYC for the SHTP seminar that night and then head home on Thursday morning. I have to be in Santa Cruz Thursday late afternoon. Anyone up for a mini-mid-week cruise-out...?
Hey Jackie, I had a nice lunch today at that other place that starts with an S. Next time, I'll prod you for more details. I really don't know the bay that well ;)
It was windy in the slot yesterday. Low to mid 20s all day. I left Berkeley at 10:45am against a 4.4 flood (dang! should've noticed that earlier!) and fought my way over to Tiburon. I almost turned around a couple of times (tankers, gusts, spray - it was not exactly a jaunt on the bay). When I got to Sam's at about 2 it was so windy there the napkins were blowing off the tables and only a few people were still having lunch. Still, I wasn't chased off the dock, and there was plenty of room for my boat. Always room for at least eight good sized boats @ Sam's. Midweek, maybe a bit later in the day, it's still glorious sailing to Sam's.
After the good fun we had closing down the Ramp's docks*, I thought about joining you again yesterday . . . until I came over the hill and got a look at the Bay. I still had a couple projects to do so I opted to wuss out and stay in the slip.

It was either take the rig loose and tip the mast forward (fast for racing to Hawaii), or pull myself to the top of it and replace the wind transducer. (It would be less than a good plan to do those two tasks simultaneously.) The top of the mast was moving around smartly in the breeze so I opted for the re-tune.

That was some serious breeze yesterday - good for you to hang in there.

*Edit - To avoid rumors starting and the SSS getting blamed, here's the full story. The four of us (on four boats 'cause we're weird like that) cruised over to the Ramp for lunch. We saw yellow signs on the docks in front of SF Boatworks but thought the docks in front of the Ramp were okay to use, as they've been before. Brian tied up with no problem but when the other three of us came in, a SF Boatworks guy came down and said we couldn't tie up: "The docks are closed." He was pretty cool about it and explained there had been an injury on the docks and they were being sued, so they had to stop letting boaters use their docks to access the restaurant. He even apologized. We left and went to Pier 1.5 instead, and had lunch in the Ferry building. So yeah, some boater ruined it for everyone else but it wasn't us. Honest!
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The news about the Ramp is a bummer. I work a block away and was planning to use the Ramp as a place to pick up co-workers for happy hour cruises. Maybe if another large convoy of SSS boats sailed up they'd realize all the potential business to be earned with a working dock....and then see a solitary sopping sod stumbling off each boat. We need those HOV lane fake passengers on occasions like this. Wasn't there talk of a blow-up doll on one of the prior SHTP boats? Maybe he was onto something. Any waterfront oxygen bars around?

So, what options are left for dock-n-dine around the bay? Thanks to this thread, I now know of Pier 1.5. And there was always Sam's.
I haven't tried it yet, but from the looks of it I think one could use the little public dock at Jack London for any of the restaurants there. And Pasta Pelican across the estuary appears to have a dock.
What else is around the city front? I can't recall seeing transient day (i.e. non-locked) docks at Gas House or Pier 39.
Does Berkeley have a public dock for the restaurants there?
Emeryville? Isn't there a Trader Vic's or something out there? Dockable?
What's in Sausalito? Scoma's has a dinghy dock, I think. But is there anything further up Richardson, preferably with less wave action?
San Rafael, anything accessible up the canal?
There must be a Latitude 38 article somewhere detailing these things.
I pull the Yacht Club card and have docked at the clubs on the estuary and along the water front (OYC, EYC, GGYC, SBYC, etc.). Planning to try Sausalito Yacht Club soon during one of the Friday night jazz concerts in the park. Does the SSS confer reciprocity?
It was windy in the slot yesterday. Low to mid 20s all day. I left Berkeley at 10:45am against a 4.4 flood (dang! should've noticed that earlier!) and fought my way over to Tiburon. I almost turned around a couple of times (tankers, gusts, spray - it was not exactly a jaunt on the bay). When I got to Sam's at about 2 it was so windy there the napkins were blowing off the tables and only a few people were still having lunch. Still, I wasn't chased off the dock, and there was plenty of room for my boat. Always room for at least eight good sized boats @ Sam's. Midweek, maybe a bit later in the day, it's still glorious sailing to Sam's.

Hey Jackie, let's try this again when I can get my directions straight and the tide is not so gnarly for you! I started breaking things the next day coming back from the estuary with 32 knots in the bay. I was anticipating the wind, but not the problem it would create for my jib. That turned into a wild ride, but it was good to figure out how things work (or don't) on Kynntana...
I pull the Yacht Club card and have docked at the clubs on the estuary and along the water front (OYC, EYC, GGYC, SBYC, etc.). Planning to try Sausalito Yacht Club soon during one of the Friday night jazz concerts in the park. Does the SSS confer reciprocity?

No, SSS is not a PICYA member club. That's also why it doesn't issue membership cards - to avoid any confusion.

Even if you're a member of a PICYA-affiliated club, reciprocity is normally for visiting clubs out of the area. Most local clubs are pretty accommodating so it may not matter, but I wouldn't try it at the St. Fancy for example.

Edit - I'm guessing you're a member of HMBYC. That's probably considered "out of the area." The fancier clubs might want a letter from your club (again this is normally a traveling thing). I don't tend to run in those high-brow circles so I'm not sure.
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I spoke with the Sausalito Yacht Club manager awhile ago when we were considering starting there for HMB (rather than using coordinates instead of a startline - which was fun in its own way: "are we over yet?" "yeah, I think so!" "Um, I dunno! D'you think you're over yet? Because if you're over, I'm over!" "I'm not sure!" This between Steve Wilson on his Westerly and me on Dura Mater). The manager, Dave Martel, was very nice, and I'll bet we could talk our way into the dining room there if we were polite and comb our hair. But if you're interested in trying I'll call ahead. How about a week from Wednesday - June 25? Anybody else?
That's getting close to race day but unless I schedule a last-minute visit to Easom's rig shop or something, I could do that.

SYC's galley is closed on Wednesdays but there are at least a half-dozen eateries in walking distance if SYC allows us to dock there. The limit is two hours and you need to be a member of Bay Area yacht club and fly your burgee. Check SYC's "cruise-out" page for details.
Bob, I don't think I've ever been mistaken for highbrow before, which is one of the reasons why I could see joining the HMBYC -- you gotta appreciate a club where the dogs roam free and keep the floor clean of spilled popcorn ;-) We have a helluva lot of fun on race days, too!

Jackie, I'd love to join you, but I'm not sure I'll have my jib thing figured out and fixed by then. Will let you know.
SYC's galley is closed on Wednesdays but there are at least a half-dozen eateries in walking distance if SYC allows us to dock there. The limit is two hours and you need to be a member of Bay Area yacht club and fly your burgee. Check SYC's "cruise-out" page for details.

Over this past weekend Herb Brosovsky, who keeps his Hunter somewhere in Sausalito, told me that the Trident restaurant has a dock for boats. I found this online: "If you want to Boat and Dine, we have an 84 foot dock available. Please call before you arrive. Use of our dock is by reservation only." Sounds more formal than the Ramp, but what the heck ("gluten free pasta upon request" - TransPac participants and Pac Cuppers consider carbo-loading for the future; If someone can persuade the General to sail over from Alameda, his lunch is on me).
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If someone can persuade the General to sail over from Alameda, his lunch is on me).

...which reminded me of the old camp skit involving peanut butter and an armpit. You're welcome.

I can get a $15 hamburger at the Trident - that will work. Let's see, 27+38+30 = 95. I guess we'll have to raft up, especially if others can come.
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...which reminded me of the old camp skit involving peanut butter and an armpit. You're welcome.

I can get a $15 hamburger at the Trident - that will work. Let's see, 27+38+30 = 95. I guess we'll have to raft up, especially if others can come.
Surely the Trident employs valets? Like at Gar Woods on the north side of Tahoe - young people employed by the restaurant to wait and help the boats dock at that (beautiful! floating! public!!!) pier. No valets? Ah well, rafting up is fun.
I love that we can move these posts so smoothly from armpits to valets.

A raft up would be nice...let's call ahead so we don't look like the single-hand Armageddon again ;)
Bring your longer dock lines and extra "fenders" (local), "bumpas" (NE), "Marina Del Rey Racing Stripes" (SoCal).