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Sailing Tomorrow


My float plan for tomorrow is to sail down to the Westpoint Marina. They have a Friday Fun Series race starting at 6 ish. So, To the South!

Leaving around 11 am tomorrow from Richmond, catching the last of the ebb toward the south bay, then slack is at 1142 followed by an attractive 3.3 flood. Got two spinnakers ready, one to put up and then down, the other to put up and then down again. I'll be swimming in nylon and spaghetti below, but it's better than dousing followed by the perfect aft wind and me saying "Awww, really?"

Turns out there won't be free hot dogs after all, but maybe food trucks, maybe not. Huh. The Westpoint Yacht Club is under construction, ready in Spring 2022, just not this Spring 2022. That's okay, because DM is liveable without any of that civilized stuff. No electricity needed. No water. No shower.

Brad Belleville tells me that, while DM's 210 phrf may be competitive against those other fat boats, they all have something we don't have: Local knowledge. I programmed the race marks into my garmin and notice that each one is surrounded by 2' of water. I asked Brad, "What do you think?" and he said, "You're used to being in the mud, right?"

So there you go. I'll let you all know how it goes and I'll post photos, too. And yes, I know their number:

Tommy and Michael of Vessel Assist - Copy.JPG
When is the last time I sailed over to Sam's and sat on the deck? A long time ago. Tomorrow/Wednesday is supposed to be sunny. Woo hoo! I'm gonna go over there, tie up and eat some food. Why don't you come, too? BYOB = Bring Your Own Boat. See you there.
Hmm, which boat should I sail?

I'll bring your millionaire's tape in case you want to tape up the spreaders before the cioppino arrives.

Green is good, right?

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What I Saw was Philpott going sailing yesterday. It was a nice afternoon but a bit chilly.

I opted to put the door back on Surprise!'s head (kids aboard Sunday) and re-rig the little boat's vang:


Soggy Sled, what do you notice here? Any suggestions?
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Thank you, Greg, yes I used about $85,000 worth of Bob's millionaires' tape on the edges of my spreaders, after wrapping them in rubbaweld. Used all sorts of unused muscles, was sore the next day. Huh

Sailing tomorrow Tuesday 052323. If anyone wants to meet up, post here with a suggestion. Otherwise I'll probably just sail over to Sam's, see how much more expensive it has gotten since last time I was there. See you out there? I hope so.

From Ted Hoppe - Copy - Copy.jpeg

When Dave Hodges first came out to measure my mainsail, he asked me to remind him whether DM is a Cal 27 or a Cal 2-27 so he could put on the appropriate decal. My previous 9 year old sail was off the shelf, and the Cal insignia would have cost $50 extra, so I never had it on my sail before. Dave laughed, said it was part of the deal. So, look for us out on the water, give a wave. Thank you to Ted Hoppe for the photo.
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Going out tomorrow, not racing, just sailing out of Richmond. Where? Dunno. Maybe see some a youse out there? Chance of rain? Why I have a cabin.
Saw Greg Ashby putting Akumu away today on E Dock. He had his shirt off cuz it was hot in Richmond. He said it was cold and foggy all up the coast from Half Moon Bay, but he had a good time because he was sailing!!!

Then I chatted with Bob J who was really happy, too because he has been sailing Surprise! A LOT. First in Tomales Bay and now down to Half Moon Bay and back. Wow. That's the boat for coastal cruising. Rumour has it he even has refrigeration. Whoa. That's the boat you want to raft up to. Drumsticks, please.

Steve Buckingham was in the RYC clubhouse. He had just been sailing Scoot around in the bay, found himself in the middle of an Aero regatta run by RYC. Uh oh. Are you in trouble, Stephen! Two our fathers and two hail marys for you.

Skip might be back from the Wooden Boat Show by now, would really like to hear more from him about that.

Dura Mater has an engine again, so now she won't have to tack four hundred times when she goes up the Napa River sometime in the next couple of weeks. Would anyone like to join us? Looking at floods, maybe stopping at Vallejo YC for a night on the way. What d'you say, kids? BYOB!
Rumour has it he even has refrigeration.

A word to the wise: If you wired it to a switch next to your autopilot switch and you aren't careful, you might not have cold milk for your raisin bran.
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Ah, but Mr Johnston, not all of us have high tech electronics. Personally I live without refrigeration by carrying small, individual cartons of almond milk for my cereal. We small(er) boat sailors have to be inventive.

Rumour has it that Glass Slipper, which was as high tech as they come, lost all power seven days out. Since they were only a day out from Kaneohe Bay they only had to hand steer for one day. The BIG issue? Somehow, because of a late decision to change the wiring of their Starlink? They weren't able to watch their favorite tv shows on the way over.

Sometimes? Simple is more better.
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Arriving in Bellingham WA Monday in order to motorsail down the coast on s/v Denali, a Passport 40. Like the one Ruben just beautified at BMC. Which is for sale, btw.

MMSI is 367091330. Looking forward to it. How does a "call sign WDC8680" work, anyway? I have only recently figured out Whatsapp. Captain Schwenk will know, but I would like to arrive seeming smarter than I am.
Currently on the bus with Andre, heading to Port Townsend to meet up with Jim and Green Buffalo.

We are crewing the delivery back to RYC.

Stay tuned.
Whatsapp is what we use to communicate with Max in the UK. Did a video call just this morning. His dog is sick.

Freya the Wonderdog.jpg
Okay, kids. New Year, new sailing destinations.

Sailing tomorrow over to the cityfront. Wind outa RYC right now is 6 knots gusting to 10. Perfect conditions for sailing over to Aquatic Cove, spending the night. Will it be cold? Well, sure. But I have lotsa little butane canisters for my heater and at bedtime off it goes and into the down sleeping bag for me. C'mon over, radio on VHF 9. I think it costs $10 for the evening: There's an app for that. I'll be eating steak and eggs at the Cafe Dura Mater.

Will post photos.
First there were 7 knots, out of the North. Then there were no knots. Then I got sucked over too close to Alcatraz and turned on my new engine.

After I escaped that particular and almost but not really terrifying experience I headed over to Aquatic Cove.

Lots of women swimmers. Lots. And they met up in big gaggles and were laughing. Sounded nice.

Here we are, DM and me. Cooked my steak instead of waiting for eggs in the morning. And blueberries and couscous. Chocolate for dessert. Duh.

It sure gets cold when that sun goes down. What's that racket out there?


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Nice! It looks like you're anchored over by the Sea Scout base.

My newish propane heater is INOP already. It lights but goes out shortly after it's warmed up. I'm glad yours is workin'