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Shtp 2020!

. . . What if we were to create a SHTP 1-2?

We had a pretty nice flotilla coming back in 2018 -- 8 racers as I recall, about half with crew and half single handed. Besides the SHTP boats we had Rob on Tiger Beetle, Mike and Angie on Madrone, and maybe another I am forgetting. Most had SSB and there was a roll call each morning and evening; almost everyone was in touch by email. It was a great time, and a really neat shared adventure. Why would you want to ruin that by turning it into a race? :-)
We had a pretty nice flotilla coming back in 2018 -- It was a great time, and a really neat shared adventure. Why would you want to ruin that by turning it into a race? :-)

I have to agree with Lee. The idea of turning the return into some kind of race crossed my mind, however, having the pressure of competition, even friendly, would have spoiled it.
I did not relish the idea of sailing back after the SHTP. I was pretty wiped out, but after I was halfway back, my wife said it best, I started to love my boat again. :)

Which brings us back to the original post. There is the option of getting someone / crew to sail her back for you.
Please don't open the insurance/liability can of worms, just say it's not an option if it isn't. There are other forums for that discussion.
Nice video, Steve. Congrats on the great finish! Some of us have talked about a Channel Islands trip (solo or not).

Despite the suggestion, which was meant to be provocative, I agree with Lee and Greg about not creating a SHTP 1-2. I ran the engine almost exactly 100 hours at 5 knots and would have definitely not been up for a "race" back after the solo one. It was great to be part of the twice daily comms and the camaraderie with the return fleet, as well as knowing that Nightmare and Madrone were part of the roll call even though they couldn't talk directly to us. I heartily recommend a "formal" net instead on future returns....an all for one and one for all, kinda thing.
I remember....once upon a time...

a mess of racers, spouses, friends and all, around a fire in Hanalei...

and "Hanalei 1-2" SSS t-shirts.
With only 10 months left to go, this SHTP 2020! thread seems a bit lonely. BB is recruiting volunteers elsewhere on the Forum. But who's in the Race fleet? Are you discouraged your heavy duty cruiser is going to be left in the dust?

Here's less than an earthshaking idea...I ain't got no cat in this hunt.

I would suggest to the powers that be, the 2020 RC and/or the SSS Board of Directors, a modest amendment to the SHTP Race Rules and Conditions (RRC), section 15 Ratings, a new part 15.05 that would possibly encourage potential entrants.

This change would be to the SHTP ratings in an attempt to even things up.

My suggestion is creating RRC part 15.05 crediting 3 sec/mi of rating handicap to any entry who certifies his/her plans are for their vessel to leave Hawaii post-2020 SHTP on its own bottom. This credit is not available to anyone planning shipping home, leaving their boat in Hawaii, or with still uncertain plans on June 21, 2020.

The current SHTP situation favors smaller, often dry sailed boats that mostly get shipped home or are sold in Hawaii. Their bottoms, often without bottom paint, are smoother and faster, their boats are lighter as they are only sailing one way, and they generally get out of SF Bay and into the synoptic wind before the "heavies," thusly accordioning their leads.

This amendment would have no bearing on our "Barn Door", the Jack London Trophy, for fastest elapsed time. It probably won't have any bearing on the SHTP corrected time results at all. But it might, and that would be a good thing IMO.
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Nice idea, Skip. Unfortunately, I'm going to be doing the PacCup next year. It'll consist of a full crew of 4. Then rinse and repeat on the SF return again :)
I am repeating this request here in hopes of raising some interest in assistance with managing the race.

Hello All,

Tentative dates for the race are a start date on or near July 3. I am making arrangements for the "Yellow" beach house once again and need to secure a reservation now.

The house will be open for business starting July 10th, late in the day through the 25th. We can tweak the start date / time a bit as needed. Likely the start would be on Friday, July 3 to avoid a weekend conflict at the Corinthian YC.

Volunteers for event are welcome to comment here or contact me directly. Our past team has been great but I fear some may want a break from the work load.

Areas where help is needed:

Pre race event planning. Hawaii and Calif.
Inspection coordinator.
Communications coordinator (tracker setup and assignment).
USCG interface. Publish float plan and gain permit from USCG.
Day of race PRO and start team.
Weather services coordinator.
Finish line management - two people.
Crash boat coordinator / driver
Finish line set up.
Hawaii ship to shore communications organization.
Press liaison and web page coordination.


I am repeating this request here in hopes of raising some interest in assistance with managing the race. Regards, Brian

Of course I would be delighted to help again. However, I have some caveats: my favorite parts were

1. swimming out to the Sea Squirrel in that warm water under the stars in the middle of the night;

2. laughing uproariously when the Sea Squirrel wouldn't start, listening to the Queen of the Sea Squirrel curse loudly;

Queen of the Sea Squirrel.png

3. banging up against incoming boats and jumping aboard while the boats continued to sail because the sailors had forgotten how to stop;

4. Greeting blank-eyed, sleep deprived, hoarse sailors;

5. Being mistaken for a bag lady while carrying Cliff's laundry up from the beach.

bag lady of Hanalei Bay.JPG

If I could do any or all of that again, I'm in.
E-Rudder... if I have two rudders?

In 2014, I sold my Moore 24 and migrated to the other coast. I never made it to Hawaii in the Moore--I think I sailed about five shorthanded races, total--but the idea was firmly planted.

Later this year I should complete an un-migration and return. I can't claim to be coming back a local, as I'll be stuck in northern NV, but the boat will live in SF Bay and I'm already plotting for 2020! I have a new weapon, a Jeanneau Sun Fast 3200, and she is thirsty for some Mai Tais.

I have a couple of questions I'd like to pitch to the audience.

I am not rightly sure what my employer thinks of these plans, but I am concerned I won't be able to be take enough time off to sail the boat home. I'd be obliged if anyone could give me a ballpark figure on what it would take to send her home on a ship. I would imagine it's a trip of close to three weeks on her own keel.

The boat's equipped with a twin rudder/twin tiller setup. When I did the Bermuda 1-2 in 2017, I met the emergency tiller requirement with the combination of having two of both-and showing I could keep the weather one in the water if the leeward one was gone- as well as having a backup plan of doing the old spin pole off the transom number. Would any of the kind folks who know about such things weigh in on whether or not that would meet the requirements of the SHTP?

Am I getting ahead of myself? When I can't sail, I like to plan for sailing!


Note there has been a few examples of twin rudder boats losing both rudders (the design or fabrication flaw that led to one rudder failing eventually led to the second rudder failing). So though the RC might say your having two rudders is "good enough", I suggest you still bring an appropriately sized "steering drogue" - so you can get to Hawaii in the eventuality you lose both rudders. Never mind if you have much cant to your rudders, it may prove impossible to steer the boat on one tack.
Note PacCup (first start) is June 29th... so there will be a good number of "probes" on the water we'll be able to learn from. :-)
I am repeating this request here in hopes of raising some interest in assistance with managing the race.

Hello All,

Tentative dates for the race are a start date on or near July 3. I am making arrangements for the "Yellow" beach house once again and need to secure a reservation now.

The house will be open for business starting July 10th, late in the day through the 25th. We can tweak the start date / time a bit as needed. Likely the start would be on Friday, July 3 to avoid a weekend conflict at the Corinthian YC.

Volunteers for event are welcome to comment here or contact me directly. Our past team has been great but I fear some may want a break from the work load.

Areas where help is needed:

Pre race event planning. Hawaii and Calif.
Inspection coordinator.
Communications coordinator (tracker setup and assignment).
USCG interface. Publish float plan and gain permit from USCG.
Day of race PRO and start team.
Weather services coordinator.
Finish line management - two people.
Crash boat coordinator / driver
Finish line set up.
Hawaii ship to shore communications organization.
Press liaison and web page coordination.



Inspector. Happy to help. Maybe even lead Inspectors. hmmm
With only 10 months left to go, this SHTP 2020! thread seems a bit lonely. BB is recruiting volunteers elsewhere on the Forum. But who's in the Race fleet? Are you discouraged your heavy duty cruiser is going to be left in the dust?

Here's less than an earthshaking idea...I ain't got no cat in this hunt.

I would suggest to the powers that be, the 2020 RC and/or the SSS Board of Directors, a modest amendment to the SHTP Race Rules and Conditions (RRC), section 15 Ratings, a new part 15.05 that would possibly encourage potential entrants.

This change would be to the SHTP ratings in an attempt to even things up.

My suggestion is creating RRC part 15.05 crediting 3 sec/mi of rating handicap to any entry who certifies his/her plans are for their vessel to leave Hawaii post-2020 SHTP on its own bottom. This credit is not available to anyone planning shipping home, leaving their boat in Hawaii, or with still uncertain plans on June 21, 2020.

The current SHTP situation favors smaller, often dry sailed boats that mostly get shipped home or are sold in Hawaii. Their bottoms, often without bottom paint, are smoother and faster, their boats are lighter as they are only sailing one way, and they generally get out of SF Bay and into the synoptic wind before the "heavies," thusly accordioning their leads.

This amendment would have no bearing on our "Barn Door", the Jack London Trophy, for fastest elapsed time. It probably won't have any bearing on the SHTP corrected time results at all. But it might, and that would be a good thing IMO.

Don't the big boats that sail home already have an advantage over the small boats in that they sleep in warm dry bunks, eat good food, and can let the autopilot drive most of the way? Seems the small boats are at a disadvantage enough without them giving up 3 more seconds... :-)
Some things just defy reason for spending unholy amounts of time and money to pursue them. It's best not to think of the SHTP in rational terms. You'll just know it's right for you.

Unholy amounts of money... hmmm
Race to Hawaii with a crew... just the food bill... lodging for return crew... crew shirts... crew dinner or two... and so on. Doing it alone is relatively low cost (especially after the first time... yes this only makes financial sense if you do it a few times :-) ).
Thread hijacking? That's usually where the fun stuff starts.

Istvan, like many of us, probably suffers from extreme memory loss when it comes to offshore sailing. Funny how we remember the big air reaches and forget about the day and a half upwind into the teeth of it. I took a GoPro with me for my Bermuda race, and it was really interesting to review it a while after the event. At one point I had some jib issues and wasn't making my layline, and I get a little seasick when the boat is pounding upwind until I get used to it, and I just wasn't doing well at all... and I'd have totally forgotten how I felt in that moment if I hadn't videotaped myself whining about it. Or that time when I was so happy I got the kite down in the squall without breaking anything that I completely forgot to set any kind of balanced or efficient sail combination afterwards... my amnesia is publicly documented on my race video mashup: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5-ybx70KJA

Unfortunately the most entertaining parts of that video had to be edited out due to the combination of fatigue and my inherently foul mouth.

I'm interested in the SHTP 1-2 but I fear the inherent limitation is on how much time it would take. Coming back takes a while, especially if you don't get to use your engine.... but I think we could probably organize an informal return race, just for grins, and maybe have some funny rules like, "Each competitor gets 100hrs of motoring at 5kts...."

I wonder if folks here would be interested in doing a "Solotaire du California" on the off years? Like, a Longpac, then a race to Santa Barbra, then back a few days later? Or something to that effect. Informed by someone that actually knows something about West Coast weather, which isn't me.

The delivery home is the best part of the race! Lets not ruin it by making the return a race. Reading, sleeping, fishing, going swimming, doing maintenance on the winches, gazing at the Milky Way... its the best part of the race (the non race trip home)!
Let the preparations Begin

Now that Green Buffalo has chimed in EIGHT TIMES, it must be time to start preparations for 2020. Here is a copy of the 2018 Seminars.

View attachment 2018 Seminar Poster.pdf

Given the rudder and autopilot issues of this year's Transpac out of Long Beach and our own LongPac, I'm thinking that those topics should attract lots of attention. If you think another topic should be covered, post here.

And what have I learned myself this year? That this club is full of people who will loan you stuff, encourage you in many different ways, and come to your boat to help. So don't think that you have to fabricate your own emergency rudder in your driveway. Maybe you can buy one from someone who has already done that and won't do the race again. Maybe someone will help you make one in his or her workshop/garage/driveway.

Post here and request help. Come to the Skippers' and awards meetings, chat people up at dinner in Half Moon Bay and Vallejo, come to the Cruise Down November 16 and pick some brains, get ideas, ask for help. This is a great club full of generous people.
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To be on safe side, recommend not leaving Kauai to sail to Mainland after third week in September. Before then, you might be delayed in departure by tropicals curving north of the Islands

Ideally folks should leave Kauai no later then the first week of August. When the first Hurricanes start to spin up to Hawaii. Even the remnants of a Hurricane are enough to avoid. And I am a bit conservative... want to be 'out of Dodge" before August 1. An example of a typical August Hurricane... https://weather.com/storms/hurricane/news/hurricane-tropical-storm-guillermo-pacific-hawaii
We are now 309 days away from July 3, 2020, the tentative start date. The 2020 race needs its own topic on the opening main board of this forum. The 2018 race needs to vacate that space and join other past races in the archives. I won't be racing in 2020, but hope to be involved. So getting all things next SHTP onto its own space would be nice.
We are now 309 days away from July 3, 2020, the tentative start date. The 2020 race needs its own topic on the opening main board of this forum. The 2018 race needs to vacate that space and join other past races in the archives. I won't be racing in 2020, but hope to be involved. So getting all things next SHTP onto its own space would be nice.

And I'll post my bid to host one of the prep seminars as soon as that happens.
We are now 309 days away from July 3, 2020, the tentative start date. The 2020 race needs its own topic on the opening main board of this forum. The 2018 race needs to vacate that space and join other past races in the archives. I won't be racing in 2020, but hope to be involved. So getting all things next SHTP onto its own space would be nice.

If someone with deeper forum magic wants to create the new sub-forum and move the old one, I can move the recent SHTP posts. That's the only part I know how to do.