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Tracking and return logs?

I see MOONSHADOW has started the return trip...the tracker is still transmitting. Anyone know if there will be return logs and tracking for all the boats returning to the West coast or just for those who forgot to remove the tracker....? :)
Trackers for the return trip were arranged at the option of each skipper. As boats get underway, my sources indicate you should also see GREEN BUFFALO, TORTUGA, MOUTON NOIR, HARRIER and RED SKY appearing on the tracking page for the "TransBack," and perhaps others.

The Black Sheep is headed for Alaska as I recall, and the General will be headed for So-Cal (MDR I think). The trackers' batteries can be recharged but not all have had the means to do so. Consequently the normal caveat: Don't panic if a boat stops transmitting.

Logs will depend on whether the skippers feel chatty.

FYI, 34 knots right now in Gale Alley. Keep these guys in mind.
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I don't, but in the past we've kept the same frequencies and shed-dule as during the race.

Before long the web guy will switch the tracking page from the TransPac to the TransBack and you'll see more boats.
Because the Race Chair and "Assistant to the Race Chair" are off doing the Delta Doo-Dah.

Any updates from returning skippers who don't have their own blogs are probably trapped (unread) in the Race Chair's e-mail.

I could hack into the race e-mail and post them over here, but that's probably above my pay grade . . .
Here's yesterday's report from the verdant bison:


Sailed all night and day reaching with the jib top making good miles. With the jib top, reaching, the Buffalo can do 7 knots in a 9 knot breeze, and 6 knots in a 7 knot breeze. This pleasant slide east came to an end at dinner time when the wind dropped to 6 knots and shifted forward - so we are now motor sailing east across the high. Hopefully we'll be through the high by this time tomorrow (the high is moving quickly west which greatly shortens this likely last long motor.

We used this quiet time for housekeeping tasks - whipping line ends, repairing chafed lines, airing out sleeping bags and pillows, and so on. On a good return trip the boat reaches home in better conditio nthen it left Hawaii as the crew looks for repairs to keep themselves busy. That is definitely the case on this delivery.

We've been playing a bit of music in the cockpit from time to time using small speakers we plug in to whoever has the best tunes on their iPod or MP3 player. 70s, 80s, Top 40, Western, Reggae, musicals and more. You can tell the crew has a wide variety of music tastes.

Lot of reading getting done too - from Jeff reading Biz books to Bob reading about mountain climbers.

Lunch was cabbage salad with chopped eggs thrown in (tastes better every time we have it!). Dinner was vegetarian chili and rice (Lisa is a vegetarian).

About 850 miles to go... looking like we'll reach San Francisco Tuesday August 7th... a 16 day passage... though 50 miles longer, faster then any of the previous three PacCup return trips from Kaneohe (Oahu). Though I may be counting my chickens too song as history says we'll reach home Wednesday morning the 8th.

You can tell all the crew is missing their partners... Bob with Barbara, Jeff with Lynn, Lisa with John and their kids, and my missing Mary and the boys. The Buffalo is feeling like a "barn shy horse" (in this case a 'paddock shy buffalo').

There are some earlier e-mails from Jim and some position reports from a couple others, but not much else from the TransBackers. As to training for running the next SHTP . . . ah, no. Any guess why I have access to the race's e-mail?
This from Randy but nothing from the boat - I think Dave King is sailing it back.

aloha again!

below you will find links to view the videos i took on the trip as well as photos during the race and while we were in hanalei.
sorry the video footage isn't more exciting with round ups, crashing waves and monster seas but it gives you a good idea of the sailing tortuga and i did! :)

team tortuga

youtube channel:


I think chairing the SHTP is, shall we say, a "once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."
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This from Dan Willey

Date: Wed 08/01/12 12:43 PM

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Greetings from 37.43 x 143.24

Course is 078 true
Speed is 5.8 knots

Under sail with 14 knots of breeze coming from 180 true.

Distance to the gate is 990 miles.

Seas are squared up 4 to 6 feet. Lumpy!

I'm chasing a Green Buffalo thats been doing 8 knots for the last 24

I am approximately 80 miles behind him and at the same latitude.

We are both heading into the next high and planning on motoring right
thru the middle of it.

I've been on starboard tack for forever and when I cross the high I'll
be on port tack.

My best guess is 6.5 days to the gate.

All is well

This from Dan Willey: Channel 6a 9am and 9pm
Subject: position report

Date: Thu 08/02/12 10:43 AM

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Greetings from N 38.09 x W 141.12.

Winds are 6 knots coming from 092 True.

Seas are calm. I am in the high with the barometer reading 1030.0

Boat speed is 5.7 knots

Course is 085 true.

I just turned the motor on and the plan is to motor 12 hours to the
other side of the high.

I've got 12 hours to prepare for San Francisco sailing.

I have a reefing line that I need to replace, and I need to change out
the pre-filters on the water maker.

Otherwise, I just prep the boat for port tack and mentally prepare for
typical San Francisco big water sailing.

All the sailors out here are hoping not to get hammered but we are still
to far out to get good grib data for the coast.

All is well.
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From Daniel Willey:
Date: Fri 08/03/12 06:14 PM

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Greetings from 37.53 x 137.38

A late report today because of rough weather.

Water speed is 6.2
Course is 093 true

Distance to the gate is 716 miles

Winds are 15 knots from 010 true.

On port tack now and the winds are fickle.

They are coming from 035 to 000 true.

It's all the storms out here that are moving the wind.

I woke up this morning surrounded by squall's, and rough seas.

I reefed down and followed the wind angles so I'll losing latitude.

I think I'll get it back though as the winds become the normal

All is well.
This from Daniel Willey:
Subject: Position report

Date: Sat 08/04/12 01:32 PM

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Greetings from 37.52 x 135.22

boat speed is 6.4

course is 100 true.

Distance to the gate is 609 miles.

Winds are 14 knots from 357 true.

I am bleeding off latitude in hopes of riding back up on light west
winds predicted for Sunday evening.

Green Buffalo thinks he is two high right now and is doing the same.

Moonshadow is at 37 N but back about 40 miles from me.

The Buffalo is counting his diesel for a potential motor in, His last
report has him 481 from the gate.

Rough squared up seas for the last 24 hours and I am looking forward to
lesser seas.

All is well.
This from Dan
Subject: position report

Date: Sun 08/05/12 05:33 PM

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Greetings from 37.52 x 132.30

Boat speed is 5.4
Course is 085 true

I am motoring the rum line.

Distance to the gate is 451 miles

Winds are 2.7 knots from 275 true.
Seas are still kicked up with large swells spaced 6 seconds apart. No
wind waves.

Green Buffalo, Moonshadow and Galaxsea are all motoring at this point
and counting their fuel.

I plan on motoring all night and should have wind to sail early in the

All is well.
ahoy - correct dave king and crew are delivering tortuga back for me. they are targeting arrival sometime this weekend if all goes well.
From Daniel Willey:
Subject: position report

Date: Tue 08/07/12 10:49 AM

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Greetings from 38.00 N x 126.51
Course is 095 true
boat speed is 5.8 knots
distance to the gate is 206 miles

Winds are 7 knots from 307 true.

Still motoring and will start sailing just as soon as I get 10 knots
near the beam.
I expect that to happen this afternoon.

42 hours out based on current conditions.

green buffalo is 90 miles off the gate as of 9 am this morning. He will
reach the gate tonight late.

I have been fighting a 1.5 knot current for about 5 hours now, I'm too
far out for tidal effects so it must be an ocean current.

All is good.
Subject: position report
from Daniel Willey
Date: Wed 08/08/12 11:39 PM

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I am home,

I crossed under the golden gate at 8.02 pm

The last 170 miles was some of the biggest sailing I've ever done.

The swells at the continental shelf were 20 ft and close together.

I refused to look at them because it just made me nervous, I just
managed course and sails, and only went on deck when I had to.

The last two days I logged 300 miles so it was real fast sailing.

27 knots of wind and squared up 20 footers

wow is all I can say.

Galaxsea preformed great. She never let me down.The boat flat out rocks!

Thank you all for watching my back during this adventure. It really
meant a lot to me to have your communications during the sail.