That's interesting. Not ten minutes after I posted here Ken from Pirates Lair called me on my phone, took my order, promised to mail it to Oxford, Mississippi. Proof that there are still sentimentalists who read this old-fashioned Forum. Primarily for Skip, but also as an alternative Yelp.
While I'm here, I have a post in the And They Said It Couldn't Be Done column:
Over the weekend I invited Greg Ashby s/v Akuma, Jan Hirsch s/v Sweet Pea and Jim Quanci s/v Green Buffalo, to race in the Big Daddy regatta out of Richmond Yacht Club. No engine? No problem.
Good thing there was wind.
Four singlehanders on one boat?! Was it crowded in the cockpit? Why, yes. Yes it was.
Thank you to my dockmate, Sam Turner s/v Frances, for the first two photos.
Did we fight over the tiller? No, although Jan did mention something about my derriere getting in the way of making way. We sailed out of the slip, back into it, and sailed effortlessly in between.
Three fine guests aboard Dura Mater, and she was delighted to have them. Thank you, gentlemen. It was a pleasure.