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2016 Three-Bridge Fiasco Buzz

I guess I left the "0" off of 90. Just to make things more interesting of course. Now NOAA has 12 out of the south. Pretty boring.
Well, I say phooey to predictions. Today was supposed to be 5 knots with possible rain, but it was 5-15 on the Olympic Circle with blue skies. Very nice day to sail and practice with the spinnaker. When I hauled DM out for a new bottom job I realized she has a three blade propeller rather than a two blade. When I pointed this out to Laura at YRA my rating changed from 210 to 213. Who knew? That explains so much. Now DM and I will be much more competitive ;-)
There's that song the radio begins playing in late November that goes, "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas . . . ." And then there's the song we begin singing near the end of January, "It's beginning to look a lot like a normal 3-Bridge Fiasco . . . ." So much promise with 20+ wind forecasts early on; less than 6 knots promised later. Sort of like fantasizing that the present under the tree is a Lionel train set, but opening a box of underwear instead. Still 4 days to hope and dream, but it looks like NOAA isn't playing Santa with his bag of toys again this year.
Well, I say phooey to predictions. Today was supposed to be 5 knots with possible rain, but it was 5-15 on the Olympic Circle with blue skies. Very nice day to sail and practice with the spinnaker. When I hauled DM out for a new bottom job I realized she has a three blade propeller rather than a two blade. When I pointed this out to Laura at YRA my rating changed from 210 to 213. Who knew? That explains so much. Now DM and I will be much more competitive ;-)

Jackie, The next time you run into Lee Helm at the BYC, ask her (errr, I mean him) to do the math on a 3-blade prop vs a 2-blade prop vs a sexy folding prop. On second thought, don't. Just appreciate that extra minute you have to win the 3-Bridge this weekend. Who knows?
3BF Live tracking? - sorry new subject, but also 3BF related.

Does anybody know if there is a site with live tracking for 3BF?
Down in LA the PSSA is using Kattack for the live tracking and it is very popular not only with racers, it is actually very addictive.
3BF Live tracking? - sorry new subject, but also 3BF related.

Does anybody know if there is a site with live tracking for 3BF?
Down in LA the PSSA is using Kattack for the live tracking and it is very popular not only with racers, it is actually very addictive.

Yeah, this could be really fun. I'm not aware of any live tracking, but perhaps we can all agree to turn on RaceQs. My problem is that I usually forget to do this until about halfway through any given race.

Yeah, this could be really fun. I'm not aware of any live tracking, but perhaps we can all agree to turn on RaceQs. My problem is that I usually forget to do this until about halfway through any given race. http://raceqs.com/

Is that a channel on my new DCS Standard Horizon handheld VHF? Carliane, I don't see you signed up yet. Are you just going to languish aboard drinking coffee while we all float by the entrance to Clipper Cove?
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That's a cool app - with live broadcasting, it will automatically detect all the boats in the area that are using live broadcasting and adds them to the live feed.
This could be a great test to see 300 boats live tracking.
Is that a channel on my new DCS Standard Horizon handheld VHF? Carliane, I don't see you signed up yet. Are you just going to languish aboard drinking coffee while we all float by the entrance to Clipper Cove?

I just done the deed and still have 2 hours to spare. It's not healthy to be too early about deadlines, right Bob?
I just done the deed and still have 2 hours to spare. It's not healthy to be too early about deadlines, right Bob?

I never take deadlines seriously (he said).

Alright, we're even with last year - 365 entries. Y'all are nuts . . .
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The "Mostly Bluegrass" music festival each year in GG Park and the "mostly" Doublehanded SSS 3-Bridge Fiasco are two of the largest events of their kind. This year it's 326 doublehanders and 41 singlehanders for a total of 367 boats participating in the 3-Bridge. There's a looser definition of "bluegrass" music, so who knows about the park?

The wind as of Thursday appears to be NWerly at 10 knots or less. Hopefully the forecasters will be as wrong Saturday as they usually are for most race days. No gale force breeze in the outlook, but some numbers in the teens would be nice.
This from Ray Irvine, Jibeset creator and guru:

Live tracking – Jibeset tracks boats equipment with either a SPOT or DELORME GPS tracking device. Once a device is registered with Jibeset it is tracked each time the boat races. See an example of a DELORME unit being tracked (on a boat, in a car, on a place) over the last several months at www.jibeset.net/gpsspotwho.php. Boats can also uploaded their recorded GPS track after the race for comparison with other boats.
SailFlow and NOAA agree it will be a typical last Saturday in January. Nancy agrees since Saturday's our anniversary and I'll be sailing! Wind looks like NWerly less than 10 knots on the water with showers; home front looks chilly with dark clouds.

Pressure Drop has the L-36 current charts up. They're sort of generic, but at least give a general idea for those of us not spending big bucks getting better. Looks like the early starters will most likely follow the flow down to Blackaller, cross the GG, and try to get up toward Richardson Bay on their way to Raccoon. Sound familiar? The late starters have a different bunch of currents to play with and now I wish I had a speedy sport boat and a hot spinnaker setter/trimmer for that gigantic A-sym. Or I should change my name to Greg Nelson.

Hopefully the meager pressure will persist long enough for most boats to finish this year. Or NOAA will be completely wrong - again.
Well ccw was not a great call. This race is like playing roulette betting on red or black.
Sail Tactics said to avoid Raccoon Strait so I went south of Angel Island. Came around Angel and across towards Berkeley and sure enough, lots of sails exiting Raccoon. Crap.
Crap II

Sail Tactics said to avoid Raccoon Strait so I went south of Angel Island. Came around Angel and across towards Berkeley and sure enough, lots of sails exiting Raccoon. Crap.

Like Bob I went CW and around Angel Island rather than through Racoon Straits based on the predicted light winds inside. Game over. 2000 boats ahead, and me just in time for the Red Rock Wind Hole from Hell. Oh well. Last hour was fun with steady 18+ knots. Always a pleasure to finish the race. And really, sailing (at least for a while) in a tee shirt on Jan 30? Who can complain?
Up to Wednesday night we were going to have 2 boats sail the TBF. I have been suffering with a loud productive chest cold for 3 weeks which has meant sleeping on the sofa instead of the bed with my cute wife. :mad: Then it was suggested that we combine the two boats crews and we could all sail together but not in the race. As we left the dock yesterday, i grabbed my camera as to capture some of the race. We did our best to not interfere but still stayed among many of the boats at few marks. the rough in camera edit video is the sights and sounds of the racing, boats and bay. We "retired at Treasure Island and went home to Alameda. We could have finish the race by 4:30 had we continued.
