There was some wind today, so I took the opportunity to do some testing. The heavy weather jib looks good. I might have made the clew a bit too high, but no big deal.
So that's good.
The bad news is that the windvane is pretty much a fail. The good stuff...the trim tab controls the rudder with practically no effort at all on the trimtab tiller. I can steer the boat by gently tweaking the trimtab tiller with my fingertips, so the option is there to steer the boat with an autopilot moving the vane tiller. However, above about 3 knots, there's some significant shaking - vibration, probably from the trimtab operating in turbulent water off the back of the main rudder. I don't know if that vibration will get worse at higher speeds, I have to assume that it will. The vibration was noticeable at 2 knots, significant at 3 knots and destructive-over-the-long-term at 4 knots. Also, having the area of the trim tab so far back from the rotational axis of the rudder, makes the rudder harder to turn by hand and it aggravates the issue of the tiller wanting to slam over instantly when I let go of it.
The killer is that the windvane itself will respond to wind direction when it's not tied into the trimtab. However, to get enough "slop" out of the sytem, I have to pull the lines fairly tight. That induces masses of friction inside the PTFE tubing, and the whole windvane system just locks up. The whole "wires inside PTFE tubing" is just a huge FAIL.
So now I have to decide if I want to re-engineer the whole thing, build an entirely new windvane and mast and hard-linked system to control the trimtab tiller....or figure that it's time to cut my losses. Even if I manage to make a hard-linked system in a couple weeks, there's still the vibration issue to consider.
It's hard to turn my back on so many months of work, so I'm doing nothing for a couple of days while I think it over. However, my gut is telling me that it's time to accept that this just isn't going to work, and get on with everything else that needs doing. I have two winches to rebuild/replace... hatch board slides to replace, a hatch to replace and so on.