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Cheers - SSS Technical InfrastructureHi Sled, please check your PM's
"Just type yes or no below. I should add I just won $20 of Macapuno Icecream which would go to defraying your brain warming guess work."
YES! ???
I'd ask Randy. He's the only Westsail 32 owner I've met who is realistic about the boat's performance and isn't trying to defend it.
Even still, 3 knots of wind making 10 tons move at 4.2 knots through the water seems a good trick.
It does seem to be a bit of a stretch.
I'm with Ants. No
I'd say ... Maybe theoretically but in real life conditions? You'd need perfect sea conditions, great oversized sails, intent steering (light winds are never steady), a super slick bottom, all dead weight removed but weight to leeward, no rocking the boat. Also, gaining momentum when heavy in light wind is not easy (I think as I've not handled heavy boats personally). And then very well calibrated instruments are needed to even be sure that what they tell you is in fact true ...
I'd say no.