Solo sailors are notoriously frugal. Suffice to say, I resemble that description. This morning, good friend Gary Adams and I towed WILDFLOWER's trailer to Gary's property atop Mt.Erie. There, by means of a rope around a tree, we rappelled the trailer down a hill, around a corner, and into a level field where the trailer will be stored for the summer. Thanks, Gary!
Just uphill, Gary has a beautiful 18' Aeolus rowing dory under wraps. This dory was built 20 years ago in Davenport by Bill Grunewald. She has a storied history, including a patched bullet hole, where she was once used for target practice by some crazed local in the far reaches of Alaska.
Gary wanted to show me another piece of history. We crossed onto Indian land, went down a dirt road, and there beside the Swinomish Channel was a sad sight: the half sunk WESTERN FLYER, John Steinbeck's fishboat that he and Doc Ricketts chartered for their famous voyage and resulting book, THE LOG FROM THE SEA OF CORTEZ.
Nearby to WESTERN FLYER sits "Boom City." With no restrictions on fireworks sales, the local Indian tribe has set up a small town devoted strictly to the sale of fireworks for the upcoming 4th of July. Sales even at this early date seemed to be brisk, with more cars parked at Boom City than at the nearby casino.
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