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New Boat 4 Sled

Okay, I looked here: https://nauticalcharts.noaa.gov/publications/docs/distances.pdf

What a great chart. Says SF to Santa Barbara is 287.

High tide at the Gate is approximately 4 pm. Takes an hour to get over there. Assuming 10 knots (because she's a fast boat with skilled sailors), and given the still big waves, I say 10 pm Wednesday. I also think they might actually prefer to anchor in the outer harbor of Santa Barbara because ... why not? It'll be dark. They'll be tired. They know how and it's no problem. That's my guesstimate and I'm sticking to it. Have fun, Synthia!
Despite Synthia's and the cat's laudable commonsense, the pursuit of Macapuno icecream with arils is on. Thanks to Jackie, we know the distance (287nm) from the Golden Gate to Santa Barbara, and the state of tide in west SF Bay in the afternoon (flooding).

The challenge is reconstituted even though we don't have an ETD. Re-guess how many hours for ENVOLEE to make the transit from RYC to San Barbara, post here by noon Tuesday, and Sleddog's your Uncle. New entries welcome.

sleddog's guess: 42 hours, 33 minutes
Despite Synthia's and the cat's laudable commonsense, the pursuit of Macapuno icecream with arils is on. Thanks to Jackie, we know the distance (287nm) from the Golden Gate to Santa Barbara, and the state of tide in west SF Bay in the afternoon (flooding).

The challenge is reconstituted even though we don't have an ETD. Re-guess how many hours for ENVOLEE to make the transit from RYC to San Barbara, post here by noon Tuesday, and Sleddog's your Uncle. New entries welcome.

sleddog's guess: 42 hours, 33 minutes

My guess: 33 hours, 7 minutes


PS my first arrival at Santa Barbara in 1980 or thereabouts was my first offshore passage as skipper. The sun had not risen yet, and I was following the harbor channel lights that I saw. I should have followed the lights as shown on the charts. The direct passage put me on the beach. The Harbormaster was watching my masthead lights and had the patrol boat underway to tow me off the beach.
Any stops planned? :)

Well as a matter of fact, no we will not be lingering off Pacifica. That will be done another day, another weather system and sea state that would be described as "pleasant", and another vessel (Harbormaster Danny's). So tonight I get to enjoy a lovely bouquet of purply flowers that will not be drowned at sea.

The delivery crew of Envolee, having canoodled hours of observations and prognostiguessing, have chosen a RYC ETD of 1600 Tuesday, with the intent of exiting the bay at 1700-ish.

And, seeing it fit to celebrate this most auspicious date of 2.22.22, we will most certainly be toasting the gods at precisely 2222 with something hot and chocolatey (and possibly a wee bit spiked).

So here's another prognostigating question for the bunch: how far will we be along our journey when we toast the gods at 2222?
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OK, I’m in (and back). I don’t have any crazy weather routing software, but given the revised start time, and that this is a deliver (i.e. let’s not break anything), I say 47 hours 45 minutes dock-to-dock.

And, seeing it fit to celebrate this most auspicious date of 2.22.22, we will most certainly be toasting the gods at precisely 2222 with something hot and chocolatey (and possibly a wee bit spiked).

So here's another prognostigating question for the bunch: how far will we be along our journey when we toast the gods at 2222?

As some know, 222 is a special number in my life. You can be sure at 2.22.22:22 tomorrow there will be a toast to a special boat: Here we are approaching Hanalei in the 1978 SHTP.

FLEUR 001.jpg

And here is the same team starting the 2008 SHTP;

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Please tell. Is there a story of how you chose 222?

Yes, in the top photo, the original brown (yarn temper) main was a used Cal 28 main I bought for $100 in 1975. The sail # was 18222, but the sail was much too long on the boom. I cut 2' off the leach to make it fit, and with it the "18" went away, leaving me with 222. Seemed fitting, as I grew up sailing on our family L/36 #2.

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Eight "2's and all is well.


If you need your masthead worked on, CBC may be the only West Coast Boat Club with a 100 foot extension ladder on speed dial.


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New Bets:
Jackie = 10 pm tomorrow, Wed. Feb. 23
Ants = 9:21 pm Wed. Feb.23
SK and cat= 8:09 a.m. Thurs, Feb.24
sleddog = 10:46 a.m. Thurs, Feb.24
Dazzler = 3:59 pm Thurs. Feb.24
BobJ = 5:51 pm, Thurs, Feb. 24

UPDATE: ENVOLEE departed RYC slip at 4:14 pm and at 5 pm is transiting Raccoon Straits westbound. https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/centerx:-122.413/centery:37.891/zoom:13

Current local wind at Monterey Bay Buoy 46042 is 20 knots from 310.

UPDATE: at 7:45 pm ENVOLEE has "20 knots TWS and 110 AWA with reasonable sea height and direction" as they head south at 8 knots. Looks like SK's cat has the inside nibble for finish time winner.


Good sailing to them!
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New Bets:
Jackie = 10 pm tomorrow, Wed. Feb. 23
Ants = 33 hours, 07 minutes after departure RYC
SK and cat= 39 hours, 55 minutes after departure RYC
sleddog = 42 hours, 33 minutes after departure RYC
Dazzler = 47 hours, 45 minutes after departure RYC
BobJ = 5:51 pm, Thurs, Feb. 24

UPDATE: ENVOLEE departed RYC slip at 4:14 pm and at 5 pm is transiting Raccoon Straits westbound. https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/centerx:-122.413/centery:37.891/zoom:13

Current local wind at Monterey Bay Buoy 46042 is 20 knots from 310.

UPDATE: at 7:45 pm ENVOLEE has "20 knots TWS and 110 AWA with reasonable sea height and direction" as they head south at 8 knots. Looks like SK's cat has the inside nibble for finish time winner.

View attachment 7232

Good sailing to them!

OK, what's this all about? Is there a contingent casual-racing down the coast?