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New Boat 4 Sled

Randall Reeves and Harmon Shragge depart the Golden Gate tomorrow on the first leg of circling the Americas clockwise. The plan as reported in Lat-38 is "to leave, weather permitting, on Tuesday and take the Great Circle route north to Homer, Alaska, with the goal of arriving in early October."

Currently MOLI is headed at right angles to the GC course. Reminds me of the summer I left Santa Cruz to sail WILDFLOWER to Glacier Bay, AK. 3 days later I was further south than when I left, and decided to divert to nearby Channel Islands off S.Cal. "Man Proposes, God Disposes" I believe is the navigational term.

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Plan on Improvising

Upwind into Gale Alley is never a good look. Highest percentage of gales in the N.Pacific Ocean is off Oregon/N.Cal Coast late June to mid-September. Francis Drake discovered that in June of 1579 when leaky GOLDEN HINDE beat her way north looking for the NW Passage only to get blown back to discover and seek shelter in Drakes Bay.

For those who haven't yet visited Invernes Yacht Club to see the colorful 110's duke it out just offshore, "Plan on Improvising" is the Fleet 56 motto.
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Interesting MOLI is now essentially hove to 220 miles SW of San Franciso, making 1 knot west in 11 knots of wind on the beam. They've been headed for Hawaii since leaving for Homer, AK. Sometimes waiting for a windshift is the best way to go, You can follow Randall's Log here: http://figure8voyage.com/blog/

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You'd have to dig pretty far back in Sled's thread to find our last push-me-pull-you boat.

I saw this today and couldn't resist. Let's start with the basics - which way is it going?

push me pull you.png
Sept 12th 2023 At Capitola Boat club we attempted our annual general membership meeting, but failed to achieve a quorum so there is no minutes of the meeting, but the attendees did finish all the ice cream!
Sept 12th 2023 At Capitola Boat club we attempted our annual general membership meeting, but failed to achieve a quorum so there is no minutes of the meeting, but the attendees did finish all the ice cream!

The same last night at the Richmond Yacht Club: No quorum, couldn't approve the minutes from the last meeting in June and worse than CBC's meeting, NO ice cream.

Years ago I was a member of the Golden Gate Live Steamers*. We had good attendance at the evening meetings because they always provided donuts. This isn't hard, people.

* No, it wasn't about clams or ironing.
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HOKULE'A entering San Francisco Bay last evening, enroute from AK to Sausalito. Photo courtesy of Kip Carlson
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Great photo! But everything I read or watch on videos about proper sail shape tells me that the Hawaiians sails are UPSIDE DOWN!:cool:

Ask Nainoa: HOKULE'A crew will be on the beach at Aquatic Park Sunday afternoon, Sept. 24, 12 noon to 5 pm. Also attend a Zoom meeting this Wednesday:

Hokualea Zoom.jpg

An Evening with Nainoa Thompson at Herbst Theater, San Francisco
Posted September 14, 2023
By PVS Hawaii
Moananuiākea Voyage
Tuesday, September 26, 2023
5:30pm-8:00pm (doors open at 5pm)
Herbst Theater, San Francisco

Nainoa Thompson has led the rediscovery and revival of the ancient Polynesian art of navigation. Through his voyaging, teaching, and engagement, he has opened a global, multigenerational dialogue on the importance of sustaining ocean resources and maritime heritage.

Tickets available here: https://www.cityboxoffice.com/eventperformances.asp?evt=2977

Adults – $10. Youth 18 & under – Free.
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Kimo 2.jpg


Our good friend Milly functions not only as Inverness YC Port Captain, but also Int. 110 Class President and West Coast measurer. Here she is recently measuring Kimo's new 110 at Bainbridge Island, WA, the newest addition to Fleet 19 in the Pacific NW.

The water level in the tube from bow to stern worked a treat.
Little did Milly realize that after measuring Kimo's 24' 110 that she would be invited aboard the fastest day sailor in Puget Sound, a 63' foot 110, tiller steered, and designed by Bob Perry.
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I can't go there next Sunday, but am going to at least look at her tomorrow

Milly got close to HOKULE'A but the Bay Model dock gate was closed to the public..Nevertheless, she got this cool photo contrasting differences in the tallship MATTHEW TURNER and a Polynesian vaka (voyaging double canoe). Thanks, Milly!

HOKULEA Sausalito.jpg
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observation based opinion;
A> i have a soft spot in my brain for plywood box boats.
B> I believe that if it wasn't for George Olson, Bill Lee, & Ron Moore, we would have an active 110 fleet here in Santa Cruz, and a couple of them stored in the CBC driveway!