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New Sled 4 Daydreamer


Maybe sled is a bit generous, but will be a fun fun ride either way!

Found a 1995 Beiley B-25 at Lake Pleasant in Arizona.
A trailerable 25 footer with a lifting keel, deck stepped mast and two bunks.
Came with fractional and masthead symmetrical spinnakers, a Selden sprit with a masthead assym and top down furler.
Has a fresh Ullman carbon main and 135.

Picked her up just before heading to Hanalei Bay for the SHTP finish.

We have had her out a couple times at New Melones lake to practice rigging and launching.
Takes us about two hours to get sailing but should get better with practice.
Sailed with main only so as not to scare my wife, but the helm has a good feel and is quite responsive :)

Came with the name Vitamin Sea, which my wife thought cute, but I'm not keen on so it's been removed.
Thinking of "Akumu" or "Moe'uhane"

There is a bit to do before being race ready, especially singlehanded but we'll get there.

Looking forward to some days on the Bay and beyond!

The B25 is a good sailboat, but my personal preference was a Mair 28, of which only one was built.

I helped a friend pick up a B25 and help with delivery to Costa Mesa. His B 25 was the only one to enter the Transpac. His boat is probably over equipped for his planned uses. If you have any interest in the excess sail inventory or other gear, I can get you in touch.

His boat was on a high trailer since the lifting daggerboard was ‘sealed’ in place with centerboard trunk sealants. Removing those was a super PIA.

H Ants

I would be interested in extra gear.
gca at goldrush dot com

Curious as to how the B-25 entry was approved. I didn't think Transpac allowed outboard boats.

Found your Mair 28 photos. Nice boat. Is it still around?
Sweet ride Greg! IMO Beiley got the proportions just right on the B25, with a nice bit of sheer spring that's often missing in racier boats of that size.

A local B-25 active for about 20 years now is Zilla, which was/is owned by Brent Draney. I'll bet he'd be a great resource if you can track him down.

She looks like a perfect Berkeley Midwinter boat (and Ditch Run, etc.) - hopefully we'll see you out there! (P.S. - Agreed on the name change.)

Ants, the Transpac B-25 was Vapor, right? Somebody around here would know about the outboard situation (or if there was a rule change.) Greg N?
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It might have been different in the past but the crewed Transpac does allow an outboard with a number of requirements. Standard below deck tank w/fill/vent, it has to remain "attached" to the boat to deploy (ie - lowering it only), motoring speed requirement the same as an inboard, and it CANNOT be mounted on the stern. So this mean the outboard has to be in a inboard well. This makes the Hobie 33 one of the few boats that comes with a rule compliant setup.

Vapor was the B25 that my friend purchased from Roger Craine, a RYC member if I recall correctly. I helped tow it from Stateline NV.

Some tales of B25 in the transpac were told, but the details are too fuzzy to recall.

As for the Mair 28, it showed up locally in the Kern River Valley. Big Surprise, but it has disappeared again.

Here's what I've been up to.

When I picked her up I saw some potential work to be done.
Some of the interior had delaminated from the hull interior.
I peeled and cut away tabbing until I found solid bonding then re-taped and epoxied.
Painted the interior up to the deck.IMG_4484.jpeg

My PHRF certificate arrived just in time for the Three Bridge Fiasco.
After starting late it became clear that I desperately needed a depth sounder.
Without one I was reluctant to explore the shore for current relief.
I ended up out the Gate with the ebb and no breeze, retiring from there.

Alan H. and I made a deal and I picked up his i40 and in hull transducer.
I cut out the core in a spot ahead of the keel in a compartment.
Nice, indeed! Great report and pictures, and great looking work product. Hope to get a first hand look -- perhaps in Hanalei Bay less than 500 days from now.
I'm sure many would rather forget the recent "Fiasco", here's my report on the race I almost finished.

Off the dock at 07:30 and motor sailed to Marina Green, arriving about 09:30. Plenty of time for my 09:50:24 start.
Said good morning to a few friends.
Mr Hedgehog looking good in his new ride.
Matt and Starbuck ready to go.

Positioned up current and with a little breeze enjoyed a good on time start. Rare for me!
At the moment it looked like there was breeze at Blackaller, so made the last minute decision to head there first.
The breeze evaporated when I got there.
Instead of getting flushed out the Gate on the ebb I decided to join the Fort Point anchor outs.
While on the hook I took the opportunity to change up from the #3 jib to the 155.
The 155 is a deck sweeper and hard to see around, especially at crowded starts.

I hung out there for about half an hour until a little pressure filled in.
Tried to double back for T.I. but It wasn't happening with the current and fickle breeze.

I saw a few boats making it around the north tower so I headed that way.
After getting pushed out the Gate I made it over towards Kirby Cove and a little early flood to get back inside.
Got the chute up and chased the Hawkfarm El Gavilan back inside.

Making my way back in I considered, for a moment, to try for T.I. but went for Raccoon Straight.
After a couple ugly jibes we got over to the north side of Raccoon Straight and had a little race with the Olson 911 Plus Sixteen.
Made our way past Bluff Point where they headed across the river and we stayed west, arriving at the Richmond bridge at about the same time.
A couple more jibes to get around Red Rock to starboard in time to met the barge leaving Potrero Reach and the tanker departing the Richmond Long Wharf.

With the 155 back up we had a terrific close reach to T.I. with a lovely sunset behind the Golden Gate.

Back to fighting more current from the last of the ebb from South Bay and then the early flood.

With about an hour to go I was hopeful We could make the 19:00 cutoff but it wasn't to be.
Late to the finish by about 10 minutes.
Then a long blustery slog back to Richmond, tying up around 21:30
Sure was a fun day!!

Thank you Race Committee!!!