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Sailing Tomorrow

gotta get out gotta get out gotta get out sailing tomorrow .... too many details and complications off the water.
Dura Mater calls to me: "Hey! I'm waiting!"
I can't wait until the weekend to sail. Does anybody want to meet us at the Ferry Building tomorrow? I'll be there early afternoon. Will monitor the VHF on scan mode.
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Hey Jackie, I was in Sausalito overnight night getting some engine work done at List Marine yesterday. I have some more of my own work and a conference call until 1:30 today (plus the wind is better), then I'm heading back to TI. Have to be in Alameda at 6:00. Maybe we'll cross as you are heading back? I'll probably be passing Alcatraz around 2:30.

Sorry for being incommunicado lately :( I soooo owe you an email!
Hijack - I'll try to sneak over to the show first thing on Sunday. I realize as singlehanders we can't meet in groups or anything, but is anyone else going?
Hijack - I'll try to sneak over to the show first thing on Sunday. I realize as singlehanders we can't meet in groups or anything, but is anyone else going?

I'm going on Friday. Gonna look at those Harken travelers. And misc. and more misc. :)
Remember to get that $2 discount by typing in the Latitude code when you order tickets online. Thank you, Latitude.
Saturday for me. HMBYC has their opening day on Sunday, but I might end up going for an early run to Oakland if I find something on Saturday that needs more "deliberation" before I hand over the credit card.
Have fun Friday. Might get out Saturday after helping on projects.

Planning to go to the boat show Sunday. Looking for a deal on a radio.
What is the promo code? I don't find it on lectronic lattitude.

Sailing out of Berkeley, once again, with the Ferry Building in my sights. 8:23am= 2.9 ebb, 12:15 slack and 3:18pm = 2.8 flood. Looks possible, especially if there is some more of that great Round the Rocks wind. If you would like to sail out of your own slip and join me, come on out!
Tomorrow is a Tuesday, perfect day for a sale. It's supposed to be hot - tshirt weather on the Bay: it is not a common occurrence. Let's see, three places to tie up that I know of: Sam's, Treasure Island and Pier 1.5. The harbormaster at Treasure Island is off duty Monday/Tuesday, so entrance/exit depends upon Carliane being on Kynntana. Anybody up for a singlehanders' lunch?
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Same for me - the boat is going back in the water sometime tomorrow (Tuesday) so Wednesday is possible. Looks like better wind tomorrow though.

I'm guessing Kynntana is still getting wired - as it were.
I could swing (sp = sail) tomorrow, Tuesday, but Wednesday not possible.
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I will be on the water about an hour earlier to make it up there about the time you are nearing TI. Probably SF 1.5 is the best bet, unless you can get us into the Bay View Boat Club.

Okay, I will be on the water about an hour earlier to make it up there about the time you are nearing TI. Probably SF 1.5 is the best bet, unless you can get us into the Bay View Boat Club. Brian

D'you know, I called there a couple of months ago and spoke with someone who said, "Yeah, come on over!" We can invite them to our Halloween cruise-out in person. How about if I meet you there? I think you mentioned that you have food aboard Red Sky left over from the 2014 Transpac? I'll bring PB&J sandwiches on wheat. And chocolate. Anyone else? Approximate: 37.46.12N 122.23.39W
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Sailing Tuesday

Red Sky is sailing, and Dura Mater. Two more boats means a fleet. Anywhere in the bay is a destination. How about the Presidio Yacht Club? There's a grill there and nice people. It used to be an air force Base but no longer. Last time I sailed over I wore a USAF watchcap. The bartender was skeptical. The food was good. Approximate: 37 50 004N 122 28 554W
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This from Tom Cavers/Rock On - (first in division of the 2015 SSS Farallones) Wednesday 072215: "what’s the fastest an SSS member has ever sailed from Berkeley to Alcatraz and back?"

Jackie: "Let's have a rabbit start on Saturday @ the Berkeley Yacht Club buoy: sail around Alcatraz and back to the finish. Take our own times. Finish in the Marina. Buy drinks at the bait shop. Establish a baseline."

Bobby the J: "I'll even be the rabbit if you promise not to hit me."

Sailing instructions: Start @ 11 am on Saturday 072515. Everybody's invited. Corinthian ethic: take your own time. What's a rabbit start? https://sailingwdevious2014.wordpres...-rabbit-start/