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I mentioned to somebody recently that one of the reasons I sold Ragtime! was that after 16 years, I was hankerin' to do up another boat.

What was I thinking?

2006 List.JPG
Seminar: Rigging and Sailplan for the 2020 SHTP

Wednesday night March 11, 2020 the Singlehanded Sailing Society will offer a seminar on Rigging and Sailplan for the 2020 SHTP. You are welcome to join us downstairs at the Oakland Yacht Club @ 7:30 pm.

Ryan Nelson.jpg

Ryan Nelson of Rogue Rigging (the “rogue rigger” himself) will advise us again, as he did so brilliantly before, in 2018. He is, after all, a sailor himself who knows what singlehanders need. What is that? Well, that’s what you will learn Wednesday night.


Who hasn’t heard of Dave Hodges?

If you’re neither a sailor nor a boat builder, maybe you’ve never heard of him.

If you don’t work in the marine industry or live near boats, maybe you’ve never heard of him.

If you’ve never listened in on a conversation between sailors, maybe you’ve never heard of him.

Otherwise, if you have spent any time around sailors who need sails for their boats, you’ve heard of Dave Hodges. And guess what? He has agreed to come talk with us Wednesday night. And why? Because he’s sailing with us again and … our former Commodore David Herrigel asked him. Yes. That is what sailing networks do. They work with each other.

So, come on over. Listen up and ask all your questions. Because this is quite the opportunity. See you there.
Drove to Dura Mater yesterday, self distancing myself in my car. Then I arrived to see Bob’s car in the parking lot. I dropped my sailbag off at DM and continued on down E Dock to Surprise! Found Bob with box cutter in hand, ready to unpack his brand new, gleaming white alternator. Not just an alternator, but one way better than DM’s. Three times mo betta. Which Bob emphasized. Oh well. This is what one has come to expect: Surprise! is so pampered!

I was invited aboard but there was no enthusiasm. I thought maybe he was keenly aware of the whole social distancing effect, but it turns out I was sitting on the steps, which need to be removed in order to access the engine. So I left.

Upon thinking about this whole social distancing issue, I suppose that the Medical Preparation and Provisioning seminar should be reconsidered. Especially since Jan Hirsch has already asked whether he could do the Medical presentation remotely. Which is a nice way of saying that he doesn’t want to come in person, and not just because he lives far away. So I replied in a fake gracious way and that’s what we’re going to do.

Jan is an anesthesiologist, which means he is the last person to talk with a patient before sending him/her under the knife. So I suppose I see his point. For the patients anyway. Plus it offered me the opportunity to look up how to spell anesthesiologist, and now you, too, know how it is spelled. With all seven syllables.

What will we do about provisioning? We’ll have to cram it in some other time. In the meantime, make an appointment with your primary care provider in order to get any prescriptions you may need, and read here:

From Allen Cooper s/v Krissy

and Doctor Mike from 2012

While you’re at it, click here and read anything else you might find useful:

In the meantime, I’ll post Dr Hirsch’s presentation here on the forum and you can thank him sometime when you see him on his Islander, “rassling” with that huge 180 jib of his.

Until further notice, take care of yourselves and practice safety precautions by singlehanding.
I made NO comparative remarks about DM's alternator. Yes, you were in the way, but we had a nice long chat before I pointed that out. I think you're just sore because I had no chocolate to offer.

Kaiser has been holding a Bactrim prescription and some Scopalomine patches for me. I should have picked them up before all hell broke loose. Now I don't want to go near the place.
I made NO comparative remarks about DM's alternator. Yes, you were in the way, but we had a nice long chat before I pointed that out. I think you're just sore because I had no chocolate to offer.

Kaiser has been holding a Bactrim prescription and some Scopalomine patches for me. I should have picked them up before all hell broke loose. Now I don't want to go near the place.

okay, I concede the point. We did have a nice long chat, no comparisons were made with DM's alternator per se, and I WAS snuffling around for chocolate. Which I found in my galley. Thanks, Steve.
Seminar: Medical Provisioning

Thank you to Dr Jan Hirsch s/v Sweet Pea, for this Power Point presentation on Medical Provisioning. When we get closer to the SHTP he has agreed to do a zoom presentation and to answer questions. Currently he is, in his words "... a bit swamped..."

View attachment SHTP 2020 .pdf