I'm making progress with the cabin sole. Fits and starts - the first board took as long to sand as all the others (in the photo) combined.
The dark finish is all removed and I'm looking at clean, raw teak. It's a thin veneer but it looks great. The next step is to get some bleach (oxalic acid) and lighten up a few dark spots. I don't know what to do about the light botch on the one board. It seems to be a softer area of wood that acted differently from all the rest. It's not sanded any deeper, it is just softer and a lighter color. Because of the softer wood, I burned through the holly stripe a bit and I doubt there's a way to fix that. Suggestions welcome.
Dave Pressley (another E-dock e-regular) has been a big help. We've discussed the coating options and I'm currently leaning towards West System with their 207 clear hardener. Again, suggestions welcome. I really don't want to do this project again for awhile. The boards in the photo are less than a quarter of the cabin sole.
It's a lot of work but I just couldn't bring myself to put that vinyl stuff in
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