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With the SSS ocean races coming up, I've been giving some thought to how I would re-board if I found myself over the side. The assumption (and hope) is that I would be tethered, otherwise there's nothing to talk about.

Ragtime! had low freeboard and an open transom. Surprise!, with her high freeboard and ample derriere, presents more of a challenge. I bought a pair of etriers and have modified them. I think they will give me a fighting chance to climb back aboard. As with Ragtime!, the plan includes a second, perimeter jackline (outside the stanchions) which would allow me to switch tether "legs" and slide back to the etrier.

Etrier 1.JPGView attachment 4251Etrier 3.JPG
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Only one way to find out: Have an etrier practice. Borrow Chris's wetsuit and we'll go out sometime this week. I drive, you go over the side. I'll bring the Sony. Then, when we return to E dock, I'll take my turn, go into the water and re-insert my new rudder to measure it for the bolt hole. It's called 'taking turns getting hypothermia'.
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Only one way to find out: Have an etrier practice. Borrow Chris's wetsuit and we'll go out sometime this week. I drive, you go over the side. I'll bring the Sony. Then, when we return to E dock, I'll take my turn, go into the water and re-insert my new rudder to measure it for the bolt hole. It's called 'taking turns getting hypothermia'.

There are several technical problems with this. The first is that there's no way I could fit into one of Chris's wetsuits. How about if I drive?
There are several technical problems with this. The first is that there's no way I could fit into one of Chris's wetsuits. How about if I drive?

Using a wet suit wouldn't exactly be representative of the actual event and the cold shock that would follow...
An excellent point, Monsieur Jamotte! Immersion sans wetsuit would much more approximate the actual experience for Bobby the J. We could even go out to the Golden Gate to find a bit of swell. Monsieur Johnston?
Yes, that would be swell.

I just finished my "Durable, waterproof diagram or chart locating the principal items of safety equipment and through-hulls, (to be posted) in the main accommodation area where it can be easily seen." *** This, for a single-handed race.

You know, US Sailing and NCORC encourage OA's to waive any requirements in the SER that are unnecessary for the OA's race(s).

*** "What's that?" you say. If you work around NCORC's hacked web page and some broken links, you find this. See 3.28:

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I just finished my "Durable, waterproof diagram or chart locating the principal items of safety equipment and through-hulls, (to be posted) in the main accommodation area where it can be easily seen." ***

This, for a single-handed race [?]

New in 2019 for NCORC, but this was part of the SER for the 2018 SHTP. Someone questioned whether that was necessary for a single-handed race, and someone else replied with a rationale that sounded reasonable at the time, but I don't recall exactly what it was. Something about being boarded by the Coasties.

Glad to have mine still posted as a quiet memento.

SER 3.28.jpg
I put mine up in the nav station, so I'll have something to read while I'm eating my brussel sprout and kumquat pate'

Location Chart.JPG
As we all know, this enterprise is about lists. One of Surprise's lists is Skip's list, which he sent shortly after he, Tom and I delivered Surprise! up from Santa Cruz last year. Most of the items on Skip's list have been addressed, but one that wasn't was his desire to know the time while at the helm. That got addressed today, along with the final SHF items:

Clock and Barometer.JPG
New in 2019 for NCORC, but this was part of the SER for the 2018 SHTP. Someone questioned whether that was necessary for a single-handed race, and someone else replied with a rationale that sounded reasonable at the time, but I don't recall exactly what it was. View attachment 4269

I recall the reasoning was that a sleep deprived sailor might forget where the iodine is kept for that gash. Or the second waterproof flashlight after the first is lost overboard.
...someone else replied with a rationale that sounded reasonable at the time, but I don't recall exactly what it was. Something about being boarded by the Coasties.

Okay, it's probably good that I removed the bong location from the chart. White-Out is your friend.
I recall the reasoning was that a sleep deprived sailor might forget where the iodine is kept for that gash. Or the second waterproof flashlight after the first is lost overboard.

I attended the boat show in April and stopped by the Cruising Outpost table where I picked up one of their magazines. You know, the one with the bikini babe on the bow of some boat? I found some time last night to read it and it took a while to realize it was from 2013. Anyway (wait for it - there is a nexus back to this thread), one of the "new" items was for an app called What's On My Boat. I was really excited because I can't ever remember where I stash the zincs when I'm suited up ready to go diving. And the hack saw is too big to fit in with the regular tools so it goes some place else, which still hasn't made a dent in my grey matter. And on it goes. But flares? No problem. Band aids? No problem. I have that nice boat chart, too, but can certainly remember where the flares and first aid supplies are kept because I never use them. It's the tools that I tear apart the boat looking for! Well, the app must not have been that good because it no longer exists. Am I the only one who thinks this would be a terrific app to have? You'd only need to power up the phone and find whatever it is you ripped the boat apart looking for. Oh, I forget.....you guys don't actually STORE stuff on your boats!
I'll go over today and see "What's On My Boat." No need for a little red book - I read on the internet that Surprise! is now one mast short of a yawl.

This results in a transportation problem: Her 26+ foot mizzen mast won't fit in my Honda Insight, and I need to get it to Benicia. Suggestions welcomed!
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Enterprise rent a truck has 24' Stakebed trucks for $130. Concord location right between Richmond and Benicia. Or you could drive to Rio Vista and pick up the Azzura trailer which should work fine.
Volvo wagon comes with a middle fold down seat for skis. It also has a "moon roof" that opens. I used it for the mast of my West Wight Potter once.