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    - SSS Technical Infrastructure

Weather Thread

send gfs:60N,5N,175W,75W|1,1|2,24,36,48,60,72,84,96,108,120,132,144,156,168,180,192,204

What you'll get back is a grib file from the gfs model, with 1 degree x 1 degree data, from 60Nx175W to 5Nx75W going out 204 hours in 12 hour increments.

Rob, I just tried this - with different specs in the query - and I received the file. But Windows doesn't know what to do with the .grb extension. What should I use to open it?

The grib file (gridded binary file) requires a viewer to decode, display, and manipulate the contents of the file.

I like Viewfax, one of Jim Corenman's programs - it works very well. The program can be downloaded from SailMail's site.


- rob