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Race Progress

Bandicoot seems to be going well at this point. If Al stays along the rhumbline it looks like he could catch up some more. Should he stay the course or head a little south in about a day or so? Does he need a reach like an assy boat?

The beauty of an unstayed mast is that the wishbone can be let out as far as needed to keep flow across the sail. The WylieCat Bandicoot ihas spinnakers. So who knows?

Blueberry Nonsuch 22 sail #48
Predicted standings as of 6/26 2100

Seems at this point the General is winning his bet. Idefix seems well positioned in the N-S middle of the fleet. If Hecla can turn on the boosters she might start climbing up the corrected standings ladder again.

24hr Corrected T(sec)
Idefix 1012680
Harrier 1068481.791
Warriors Wish 1097968.421
Saraband 1104874.098
Hecla 1116360
Dream Chaser 1153476.62
Pakele 1239366.387
Blue Moon 1267468.673
Bandicoot 1306375.065
Taz!! 1332352.258
Solar Wind 1360149.091
Culebra 1462260.917
Second Verse 1821098.182
Southernaire 1822401.379

Avg Corrected T(sec)
Idefix 1136498.593
Saraband 1141406.536
Warriors Wish 1152289.575
Harrier 1200924.211
Hecla 1210930.323
Pakele 1282901.779
Solar Wind 1378005.287
Dream Chaser 1386954.005
Culebra 1556695.484
Taz!! 1574813.878
Blue Moon 1699162.623
Second Verse 2007483.098
Southernaire 2161932.881
Bandicoot 2747520

The tri put a 100+ mile 12 hr run yesterday and crossed the midway point. Good going Jeff! Can he make a 250 mile 24hr run??
Bandicoot's return to port

Now, the real question re. Bandicoot. Was he forced to come back under threat from the CG to launch a SAR because he lost his SSB and sat phone due to water on the first couple of days and couldn't check in?

To address your question... Al was not "under [direct] threat from the CG," but he was feeling pressure that the consequences of not being able to check in (a CG SAR) could "spoil everyones party."

On June 22 Al wrote: "I turned back when I could not communicate with any of the other boats. The Coast Guard has imposed a protocol that requires the race committee to report any boat that misses a check-in, and has stated that they will initiate a search after two failures to report. I don't know that the Coast Guard would follow through, but under these rules I did not want to be the one that spoiled everyones party."

Bandicoot is equipped with at least two spinnakers for DDW running.

Go Bandicoot Go!

Dazzler (Wyliecat 30)
Thanks Tom. Al did the right thing, as hard as I'm sure it was. As long as we're calling it a SSS race, the days are over of racing out the Gate and waiting to see who shows up in Hanalei.

6/27 morning report and Dan's analysis should be up shortly. What the heck are these guys doing? It's like the High is the Bug Light!
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6/27 0900 Predicted standings

Idefix still holding the lead, but Hecla pouncing back. Bandicoot continues to post high averages.

24hr Corrected T(sec)
Idefix 1017280.976
Hecla 1110579.13
Saraband 1122520
Harrier 1152958.033
Dream Chaser 1177775.252
Warriors Wish 1217539.535
Culebra 1239028.613
Blue Moon 1260372.632
Taz!! 1264203.582
Pakele 1267813.793
Bandicoot 1276640
Solar Wind 1300644.138
Southernaire 1344028.293
Second Verse 1516177.297
more wind for the southern boats

Also looks like Solar, Culebra and Taz seem to finally found some wind based on their reported speeds. Will be interesting to see what that results on in the next 12 hrs... Can they make up what they lost to the northern boats in the last few days??? Come on Max!!
midway point

WW and Idefix both crossed the midway point overnight. Congratulations. That makes three boats halfway to Kauai.
Thanks Tom. Al did the right thing, as hard as I'm sure it was. As long as we're calling it a SSS race, the days are over of racing out the Gate and waiting to see who shows up in Hanalei.

Huh? What if the failure in the communication systems happened two days later? seven days later? As much as you prepare there is NO guarantee that you will have electrons all the way to Hawaii...

Was there a protocol that any competitor that lost communication had to turn back?

As you can see, I enjoy the position reports as much as anyone else. As a hopeful return racer for this race, I don't want to be under pressure of a CG SAR, not unnecessarily worry my family if I'm unable to report on SSB or Satphone half way to HI. That is why I carry an EPIRB (and likely a PLB). If those go off, send everything!
Was there a protocol that any competitor that lost communication had to turn back?
No such protocol. Al could have kept going but chose to come back and get his equipment working again. You'll have to ask him at what point he would have just kept going.

After we all get back let's have a beer and talk about future SHTP's.
Coast Guard protocol - Ouch

"The Coast Guard has imposed a protocol that requires the race committee to report any boat that misses a check-in, and has stated that they will initiate a search after two failures to report."

That's an unrealistically short leash for the SHTP. Wonder what triggered that pronouncement? Not good.
As long as we're calling it a SSS race, the days are over of racing out the Gate and waiting to see who shows up in Hanalei.

Bob - are you suggesting that Bandicoot should have turned back when close to the coast just because communications gear had gone down? If so, I do not agree in the slightest.

To set up for the race RC requires and competitors install gear appropriate for communications. However, failure of communications gear does not put one out of the race, it just adds an undesireable penalty to your finish time (plus you get to repair/replace of a lot of expensive gear).

To suggest that a boat turn back simply because the comm gear has gone down is missing the point: what would happen if the boat were 8 days out and the gear failed? Well, you keep on trucking to Hawaii, of course.

To put it another way - the maximum time penalty for failed gear is 20 hours; if a boat is more than 10 hours out the Gate it does not make sense to return to port to replace/repair communications gear solely for purposes of avoiding check-in penalty. One might decide to return for personal reasons - desire to communicate with family, desire to receive weather data, etc. However, within context of the race it hurts you to return if you're out half a day and all the gear goes down.

- rob/beetle
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I'm not suggesting anything, nor is SHTP under any greater CG requirements than any other ocean race out of San Francisco.

That's why I dislike these speculative posts. I've said all I'm going to say on this topic unless it's over a beer.
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At the SHTP skippers meeting a skipper asked if failing to check in because of comm gear breakdown would get them in a jam with the CG. I responded for the club that the permit was a club issue not a skipper issue. The club has the permit; not the skippers. SSS would deal with the CG. Al was at the meeting. Al made his decision.

Bill Merrick
Bandicoot's return to port

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I very purposely quoted Al's email to present his state of mind -- his thinking why he should turn back for the greater good. I was not quoting the Sailing Instructions or the RC. Al personally took the need to communicate (I'm assuming with his wife and loved ones) very seriously. But, lack of communication wasn't his only problem, and we all know how problems can add up. I'm sure at "tree-time" there will be lots of stories to tell from that first 48 hours.

Let's all keep in mind that unless you were there, we (sitting comfortably in front of our computers) have no right to second guess someone out there.

I agree with Bob that this would be better discussed with the participants over their beverage of choice.

Best wishes for all of our fellow competitors out there, and don't you all wish you were out there too?


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6/27 2100 Predicted standings

Back to the original programing. Idefix still in the lead, but Max has picked up some speed and is back in the race. Bandicoot is bringing the wind with him and already looks to be correcting mid fleet. Here are the current predictions based on 24hr averages:

24hr Corrected T(sec)
Idefix 1050212.903
Solar Wind 1144166.043
Saraband 1150699.31
Southernaire 1197760
Culebra 1220748.571
Hecla 1228587.945
Harrier 1303763.077
Bandicoot 1318703.158
Blue Moon 1332209.72
Taz!! 1348172.459
Pakele 1404603.96
Dream Chaser 1423353.208
Warriors Wish 1437489.796
Second Verse 1613703.529

This is getting pretty interesting. I think the next couple of days will be critical as the breeze looks to be fully filling in after that.
6/28 0900 Predicted standings

24hr Corrected T(sec)
Idefix 1080095.51
Solar Wind 1140782.857
Saraband 1200738.182
Blue Moon 1300527.273
Hecla 1314926.4
Pakele 1344558.879
Bandicoot 1353048.163
Culebra 1363707.899
Taz!! 1396671.724
Harrier 1420169.032
Warriors Wish 1455600
Southernaire 1468883.636
Second Verse 1571030.943
Dream Chaser 1600120

Some morale problems in the fleet. Its amazing how both positive and negative emotions get magnified when you are out there on your own with no one to balance yourself against. And how the emotions follow the conditions the racers are on. On the positive side, everyone should begin to feel much better in 48 hrs....

Hang in there boys...
6/28 2100 Predicted standings

Idefix and Solar with the higher 24hr averages close to 6 knots. Idefix has been gaining real ground on Hecla and it is only back 72 miles into the second half of the race.

Based on the 24hr speed predictions, Idefix has a 7 hr lead on Solar Wind for the Corrected standings.

WW to the north not fairing so well the last couple of days. The High seems to be taking back what it had given earlier. But with a strong potential for higher averages there might still be an opportunity for a podium finish.

A few boats hit their halfway milestone today:
Solar Wind


24hr Corrected T(sec)
Idefix 1107308.571
Solar Wind 1133771.064
Saraband 1230452.075
Pakele 1259671.186
Blue Moon 1332209.72
Harrier 1332412.277
Culebra 1370698.462
Hecla 1371113.684
Taz!! 1394437.241
Dream Chaser 1414211.963
Bandicoot 1480490
Southernaire 1486760
Warriors Wish 1558786.047
Second Verse 1625755.248

Name 24hr speed
Bandicoot 5.333333333
Blue Moon 4.458333333
Culebra 4.875
Dream Chaser 4.458333333
Harrier 4.208333333
Hecla 4.75
Idefix 5.833333333
Pakele 4.916666667
Saraband 4.416666667
Second Verse 4.208333333
Solar Wind 5.875
Southernaire 4.5
Taz!! 4.833333333
Warriors Wish 3.583333333