Thanks, all, for highlighting the Famous Red Boat, aka STARBUCK....Better grab her fast, cause I know someone who might...
Here's a question for those interested in boat design. The below keel is built for what boat? What is the intention of the boat and it's singlehanded skipper? First correct answer wins a copy of either Christian's "Alone Together, Sailing Solo to Hawaii and Beyond," or George Sigler's "Experiment in Survival" Your choice. The latter details how to sail a rubber raft to Hawaii with no water and 6 pounds of food and emerge with enough brain cells intact to found the Singlehanded Sailing Society.

Here's a question for those interested in boat design. The below keel is built for what boat? What is the intention of the boat and it's singlehanded skipper? First correct answer wins a copy of either Christian's "Alone Together, Sailing Solo to Hawaii and Beyond," or George Sigler's "Experiment in Survival" Your choice. The latter details how to sail a rubber raft to Hawaii with no water and 6 pounds of food and emerge with enough brain cells intact to found the Singlehanded Sailing Society.